Term XXV Official Applications
Each position is listed above a text box with the appropriate application within. Please copy the appropriate application, fill it out, and leave it in a comment as a reply to the correct thread. If your application is too long to fit into one comment, please continue in the next comment.
Remember that applications are supposed to be anonymous. We are aware that people, especially older members, are often able to tell who wrote what, but we would still like you to leave out all potentially identifying bits. If you don’t, we will edit your application before voting is posted and you might not be entirely happy with what the well-thought-through text looks like after we’ve applied the modly machete.
(If you want to be super nice to your mods, please also add a text box version of your app so that we don’t have to fiddle with and potentially screw up your html.)
If you are applying for more than one position, you need to apply for each individual position and in SEPARATE comments. There is no limit to the number of positions you may apply for, but no one will be granted more than two positions. If you are applying for more than two positions, it would be great if you let us know your order of preference.
If you have questions about the application process, please leave a comment and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
Remember, you have to have been a member of HiH for at least two months by the start of January, so if you were sorted after that, you'll need to wait until next term to apply. (The cut-off date for term XXV applications is 1 November.)
Deadline: 27 December 2012 9.00am UTC
timezone converter. Voting will go up shortly after that, depending on if we need to wait for more applications.
Some Notes:
Joint applications: As usual, we will accept joint applications, i.e two people sharing one mod spot with 1/2 a position each. We'll only accept joint applicants for posts that require one mod. We also ask that the two of you form a cohesive application that appears as if one person has written it; this includes using singular pronouns.
Team applications: If you have someone you wish to mod with, please indicate at the end of you application who this individual is. We will then include these preferences in the voting post (Example: "App A would like to mod with App C") to indicate this preference while giving members the option to vote for only one of the applicants if they so desire. Your application, however, must be written individually and MUST be able to stand alone!
Requirements: Also, before applying, please make sure you check the requirements for the position. Requirements are listed with each positions (where applicable) below.
Prefect (Two prefects per house.)
Duties: Prefects are responsible for keeping track of top sorters for their house, submitting top sorter points into the system, organizing the monthly in-house contest and submitting points for that, punishing and rewarding members of their house, keeping their common room user info up-to-date and neat, accepting new members into their house, resetting passwords on the System, trimming down the members list when it's needed and dealing with any issues that may arise.
Name:LJ Username (no ljtag please):Email Address:House:Age:How long have you been a member of HiH?Position You're Applying For:Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
Beyond Sorting Logs and In-House contests, what kinds of activities/discussions will you use to help keep your Common Room active?
How often will you be able to check/update the sorting log and/or be around to answer questions for members of your house?
How often do you sort applications? In an average month, how often are you a Top Sorter?
How would you handle a conflict/dispute?:
Why are you interested in being a prefect/co-prefect?
Stamping Mod (1)
Duties: Responsible for approving applications each Hogsmeade and Stamping weekend after having ensured the member has the correct items, overseeing the voting on these applications, counting and stamping votes, updating the list of stamped members, submitting points for voting, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
House: Age:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
Are you generally available during the weekend?
Are you familiar with HTML/CSS/making graphics?
Why are you interested in being the Stamping mod?
Hogsmeade Mayors (2)
Duties: Organizing Hogsmeade weekends, including creating activities, social directors, etc, etc, submitting these for approval, submitting the points for these activities, overseeing the whole weekend, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat. There's a lot of choice in how to handle this position.
Applicants for this position are required to have modded the comm before or to have received the participation bonus in one recent (within the last two terms) Hogsmeade Weekend.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For: Do you fulfill the above requirement? Please provide links (or similar).
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
What kind of availability do you have for planning and running Hogsmeade weekends? What would you like to do with Hogsmeade Weekends? Suggestions?
How would you handle a conflict/dispute? Why are you interested in being the Hogsmeade Mayor?
Sugarquill (1), Insomniacs (1), Animagus (2), or Hogwartsicons (2)
Sugarquill: Calculating and submitting points for all submissions, creating suitable prompts for each category each month, submitting these for approval, submitting the points at the end of the month, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
Insomniacs: Creating the regular scavenger hunts and activities, getting these approved and submitting their points, naming the insomniac of the month, ensuring people only post between the correct hours of the day, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
Animagus: Creating activities for the community, overseeing Animagus voting and final essays, getting these approved and submitting their points, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
Hogwartsicons: Voting on each post that passes through, approving non-HiH posts, taking turns on weeks to be responsible for approving the non-HiH posts and maintain the voting post, submitting these points into the System, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? Have you participated in this community before?
If there were an argument or conflict regarding the community (someone inappropriately marking the rating or a points dispute, for instance), how would you handle it?
What would you like to change or see kept the same?
Why are you interested in being mod of this community?
Do you have any experience with html and graphics creation?
Order Mod (1)
Duties: Creating activities and managing the order members application process, getting approval and submitting points for these, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
Applicants for this position need to have modded this comm before or have been an order member in the past.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Do you fulfill the requirement of having been Order Mod/an Order Member in the past? Please provide links (or similar) to prove this:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties?
Are you or have you been a member of the Order?
What role do you think the Order has in the HiH community?
What are some activities/assignments you would like to see The Order do?
How would you handle a conflict/dispute about an assignment or points?
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community?
Voting Manager (platform) (1) or Appeals Mod (1)
Appeals Mod: Responsible for allowing appeals through and checking them, supervising the judges, for resolving ties, informing the community of any member house changes, recruitment of judges, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
Applicants for this position need to have modded this comm before or have been an appeals judge within the last two terms.
Voting Manager: Responsible for checking applications and letting a set amount through each week/day, creating the comments to each of these posts, checking comments are within the rules and everything in the application process goes okay, informing all relevant communities when there is a change to an application, counting up the votes on each post, stamping the members, inviting the new members to join HiH main community, submitting the voting points into the system, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat. Also responsible for hih_greathall together with the HU mods.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
For Appeals Mod applicants: do you fulfill the requirement? Please provide links (or similar).
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? How familiar are you with the way this community works?
Do you have any suggestions for making things run more smoothly in this community?
If an applicant (or sorter) has a dispute with the way things were done (disagreeing with the vote count or being upset for an application or vote being removed due to breaking the rules, for instance), how would you handle this?
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community?
SortedChallenge Mod (2) or Writer’s Block Mod (1)
SortedChallenge Mod (2): Responsible for creating the challenges, submitting them for approval, carrying out voting, submitting points for voting and the challenge, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
Writer's Block Mod: Responsible for creating challenges, getting them approved, carrying out voting, checking points and submitting them, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties?
Have you participated in this community before?
Suggest three challenges for use in this community:
If there is a dispute about points or the challenges within this community, how would you handle it?
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community/contest?
Diagon Mod (1)
Duties: Responsible for maintaining the shops, including updating number of items each month or on the request of a community/club mod, monitoring transactions, answering concerns from members about Diagon, thinking up fun new things to do with it, and working quite closely with Sas and putting up with the System and her probable insanity, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties?
Do you have any suggestions for helping things to run more smoothly/easily in this community?
Do you enjoy/have experience working with numbers and keeping things well organized?
Do you know HTML?
Are you adept at learning new systems?
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community?
Flourish Mod (2)
Duties: Responsible for keeping an eye on shops, their stock, their posts, approving new shops, clearing out old shops, creating themes, submitting points for the shops, maintaining membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties?
Do you have experience working with HTML/CSS?
As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active?
Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community?
Do you have a shop yourself?
Do you have any experience creating/manipulating graphics?
Suggest three themes for use as ‘monthly themes’ for the shops:
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community?
Yearbook Editor (1) or Daily Prophet Editor (1)
Yearbook Editor: Responsible for creating a yearbook for the term, consisting of things that have happened, people that were present, etc, etc, managing membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat. I would like a yearbook finally finished before the end of the term.
Daily Prophet Editor: Responsible for creating an edition of the prophet to post in the main community at set intervals, liaising with other communities to get information for the post, hiring and firing reporters, creating activities for the paper (and getting these approved and their points submitted).
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have for performing the necessary contest leader duties?
Suggest three topics or prompts:
If there is a dispute about points or the challenges, how would you handle it?
Have you participated in this activity before?
Why are you interested in being the leader for this activity?
Clubs Mod (2)
Duties: Responsible for keeping an eye on clubs, their activities, their posts, approving new club leaders, checking on activities for each of the club leaders, maintaining the clubs mods community, creating a weekly roundup of club activities, reminding club leaders when their registers need updating, managing tags, maintaining membership, maintaining their FAQ and keeping their user info up to date and neat. Although these activities will be broken down between the Clubs Mods.
LJ Username (no ljtag please):
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties?
Do you have experience working with HTML/CSS?
As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active?
Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community?
Do you have a club yourself?
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community?