Age: 18
House you were sorted into: Hufflepuff
Link to original application:
Ta-daAre there any questions you would like to elaborate on? Yes. Lots.
First of all I wanted to expand upon my favorite character question. My favorite is still Narcissa however I have written quite a bit on her for a few other applications and I think my first answer is lacking in any substance.
My favorite character is Narcissa Malfoy. She is like the blonde, wealthy, evil and messed up version of me. I share her tendency to be a little vain, I love my family, and I have a one-track mind.
But back to Narcissa, she is a character who is morally amiss while still being capable of having a genuine care for her family. She dares to be multi-dimensional and dynamic. I love that she is perfectly capable of being truly and unapologetically “bad” while still having a strand of good in her.
Narcissa and Lucius do not share the true and undying loyalty that Bellatrix has for Voldemort. Their allegiance is based on greed, circumstances and the conveniences at the time, Narcissa proves this in her disregard for Voldemort’s orders and when she goes to Snape and even more dramatically (and blatantly told to us) in DH when she lies right to Voldemort’s face.
She is a far cry from being heartless and cold, instead she is quite emotional which is not surprising considering her taste for the dramatic just like the rest of her family, openly threatening the Harry, Ron and Hermione in Madam Malkin’s.
Not disregarding the fact that she is a “bad guy”, she obviously cares for her husband and is a doting mother. She is a creature of comfort, and appreciates the pleasure of having excess, such as sending Draco boxes of sweets even when she knows he’s feasting to his heart’s content at Hogwarts.
So there you have a woman who is capable of being loving and dare I say tender, is intelligent - a little naïve perhaps but none-the-less intelligent, and even risks her life to save her son but is fatally and shamelessly flawed by self interest, faulty ideology impressed from childhood and arrogance.
She is quite happy in her little family unit and she will keep on doing what makes her happy, ethical or not.
She is powerful, wealthy, attractive, and dangerous, Come on, what’s not to love? Oh yeah the bigotry.
I’m going to expand on my million dollar question as well. I’m going to say that yes it’s true that a million bucks really wouldn’t set me up for life so I’d use it in the best ways I know how. Traveling wherever and whenever, buying high fashion and looking great, going to art school and not having to work my way through it, a great car and living nice and comfy. Of course I would be smart and save a bit, and I’d buy my family nice presents. But mainly I’d be in style with my million dollars.
Okay I also want to elaborate on my boggart question, as I didn’t include enough. Originally it was the same as Molly's, my family dead. However it would probably be a bit closer to everything and anyone I love dead, my family, my friends, my dreams. So my boggart would take the shape of just me, old and with nothing and no one to my name. No successful life, no family and a bleak future.
My riddikulus would change to be my self lying on a top of a mound of gold in a shiny lame' dress, decked out in diamonds the size of small fruits like some horribly done hip hop music video (sort of what I would look like if I really did have the million dollars ;) ).
Next I want to fix the “what I look for in a friend”. My original answer was too vague. I am nice to pretty much everyone so yes in a way I am everyone’s “friend” and I don’t look for specific traits at that stage. However it actually takes a while for me to become someone’s true friend or close friend.
And there I’ve found that a lot my close friends share one similar trait, self-confidence. People who are self-assured generally are more entertaining; they are more willing to laugh at themselves instead of putting themselves down for their mistakes. That is where the “I value a sense of humor” comes in, plus being easy going with yourself puts me at ease too. I also said that I value honesty in friends, and that again stems from self-confidence. Someone who isn’t afraid of how you are going to judge them is more likely to be more upfront and frank with you. It’s pretty hard to offend me, tell me what you really think and I’ll tell you back. Simply put I respect self-respect.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
People who create drama. So overreacting, intolerance, and ignorance. True. But not detailed enough. I cannot respect people who are:
Bullies- I’m not saying that you have to always be a saint or that bending the rules is always a bad thing when it comes to getting what you want however I am saying that I hate when people realize that they are sub-par so instead of pushing themselves up they try to drag people down to their level, people who are happy with being that type of a loser instead of being a true winner is one of the ultimate displays of a lack of self-respect and as I already mentioned that is really important to me.
People who play the victim - If you don’t like your life change it, and crying about it to me and throwing yourself a big pity party isn’t the way to do it. One of my favorite quotes is by George Bernard Shaw… “Life isn’t about finding yourself it is about creating yourself.”
Ignorance- Not innocence, but pig headed ignorance. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but I don’t have patience for morons.
I wanted to talk a little more about my good/bad traits. I agree with pretty much all of the good ones still, and the strongest is my irrepressible sense of humor, I don’t take myself too seriously and god help if you do. I see the humorous side to most things in life.
I also would say that being a driven person is also a pretty big deal to me, I am pretty confident about myself and the talent I am working hard to develop.
I am also a strange sort of optimist, whenever I go to the store I always overestimate how much everything will cost so when I go to pay for it I am always pleasantly “surprised” that I spent way less than expected. Some say that I am a pessimist but I prefer to be a realistic optimist, thank you. :)
For the bad traits, I would take trust issues and replace it with “too protective of privacy”. I hide whatever I’m working on until I feel like it is finished. For example when I’m drawing in public I do this little snape-esque huddle over my drawings so no one can sneak a peek. I like to keep certain things about my life private, I’ll share if and when I am ready.
I would also take out "Touchy" and slide in "Pretentious". Touchy wasn't the best word choice. I don't always trust people and tend to assume the worst and or/ underestimate about them, which is really a more pretentious thing to do then a touchy thing. I am not proud that I do this, but it's there.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? Originally I wouldn’t say because I was afraid of looking like a shallow asshat. I am desperately afraid of being old, so I would see me young and pretty and rich many years from now. I'm not asking for immortality just eternal youth with happiness and success thrown in. I am absolutely dreading the day I wake up a see an old wrinkled, weathered, and tired face. Or when my heart still wants to be young and pretty and dancing but my body disagrees. I never want to feel the jealousy when I watch young people doing the things I can only do in memory. I love to dress up and feel pretty and I don’t want that to change.
Pick one or two canon qualities from each of the four houses that you possess and explain why you picked them:
Gryffindor- I am proud sort of person, I take pride in what I do and strive to be the best. Gryffindors seem to be competitive such as Ron feeling overshadowed by Harry’s superstar moments, and Hermione getting upset in HBP because Harry is better at a subject than she is. I can relate to those emotions quite well.
Ravenclaw- I am very curious; when I find a subject that I’m passionate about I explore it fully. I know I can have tunnel vision sometimes so I make myself slow down so I don’t burn out. I enjoy moments where I let my guard down and just let life and curiosity lead a little bit.
Hufflepuff- I have the Hufflepuff determination and focus. I want what’s best for me, and I know I won’t stop till I have it. Although the “what’s best for me” may not be a puff way of thinking at least the “I’ll hang on until it works for me” is. I can relate to Hannah Abbott when she had a melt down during her O.W.L.S, I did two years of college in high school and not because I am a genius but because I saw the incredible value that it would bring and I didn't give up.
Slytherin- Like a Slytherin I am incredibly ambitious, I like to use every situation to work the best for me, - I don’t expect life to be fair, so why should I be? I like being around other people and I see the importance of being social but if I don’t get breathing space and time spent alone I lose a sense of who I am and I can’t stand it.
Explain why you feel misplaced in your current house: The puff house is awesome and I feel like it is a great secondary house for me, however when I hear the Puff mantra of "loyal, just, fair" I think wait- fair? But what about bending the rules? What about playing a little dirty? What about me and where do I fit with this? I'm simply not sure that Hufflepuff is the most accurate sort.