House you were sorted into:Gryffindor
Link to original application: Are there any questions you would like to elaborate on?
I think I basically exhausted everything i wanted to say on my first application, but i guess there are one or two questions...
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
At the moment, I have this... super-crazy-genius plan to make a psychology website, with a focus on MBTI® types and how different types of people act online (like who's more likely to shorten words to "gr8", "u" and "lmao".. stuff like that) I'de also expand it in other areas if it got popular... but for now it's just an idea, one that has taken root in my brain and just won't let go until I make it!!!
Now that I actually have made that website (though it is far from complete) My goal is to finish it, and make it look good.. maybe take some extra english and sociology classes so i can start saying what i mean, instead of sounding totally cheesy.
I mean.. this appeal here is like first hand experience on just how misconstrued a person's words can get online, and just how mistaken other people can be about them. On the net, you don't have the help of cues like body language, and tone of voice, which is why I need to start writing like who i am, instead of ending up sounding like a fool.
Explain why you feel misplaced in your current House!
Well first off... I never thought i'd be here actually re-applying months after my first application, because I was so sure that whatever house i was sorted into, it would not be Gryffindor. I guess the problem was that most people are not mind readers, and I just did not do a good job of translating what was in my mind into words.
I didn't even bother to get into gryff_lions, because i knew in my heart (and in my head) that i don't belong there.
Now maybe it was just me being obstinate and stubborn... But I'm only human, and it's definitely Human to be misunderstood. And even moreso to be misunderstood because of something you said.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? Be exact with your descriptions!
I would see myself... much older (and made all the more ravishing with age ;D) and married to my True Love, Standing inside my home, with our children, and some books I'd written would be on the shelves, along with all my childhood favourites. I'd be wearing graduation robes, symbolizing my accomplishments, and of course, i would be smiling down on my younger, more immature self looking at me through the mirror.
What makes you unique?
I'm old-fashioned... I mean, I love history, I love dressing up and re-enacting, I go to Rennaissance festivals all dressed up too!
I've never been on a date, I'm homeschooled, A christian, I've got a website, I've met Kirk Cameron (lol).... I'm a scorpio (that doesnt act like a scorpio should! heh, so much for astrology..) I own a Tablet, as far as personality types (in the myers-briggs) go, I'm an INTP... Umm... That's pretty much all i can think of right now.
And though these things really don't make me an individual, all of them added up together are pretty hard to match in any other person.. right? so that's how I'm unique.
I'm sure theres more to be said.. But I'm a little tired and want to get this posted before the night is over.. I guess now it depends on what questions I'm asked!
So.. shoot! :-)