Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans' / Monday, Oct 10 / 3.30pm
Location: Just outside the Great Hall
Open To: Soren and Trefor
Currently Involving: Zoe, Soren, Trefor, Rita
It was Monday afternoon and Zoe had finally had enough of Soren's 'silent treatment'. It was time to do something she should have done straight away. Pull him out of class, demand he forgive her and let her join Dumbledore's Army. Of course, the fact remained that he may not actually be mad at her and she was about to pull him out of Study Hall because she was paranoid, but she chose to ignore that.
She knelt down on the cool tiles and pulled a bit of paper from the pocket of her robes. It was a note that read:
Dearest Soren,
Get your arse out into the Entrance Hall, I have something I'd like to discuss with you. Now.
There was none of that beating around the bush, polite chit-chat rubbish when Zoe was upset with you.
She whispered a charm onto the paper and with a wave of her wand, it disappeared under the door. Now it was just a matter of time. If Soren got the note, he'd come out any minute, cursing the bit of paper which was bewitched to give him a paper cut.