(no subject)

May 10, 2006 20:04

Week Name/Date/Time: Promises and Plans/Wednesday, October 13th, 2006/ 8:35am
Location: Random First Floor Corridor
Open to: Wes (Muwahahah)
Currently Involving: Grady Bucher

Grady tapped his watch angrily, looking around the corridor. Just a few moments ago it had said he would be late for Muggle Studies if he didn't hurry up and get his bottom out of bed. Now he realized he was over an hour early! That wasn't even enough time to properly nap; he would have to just wait around. No wonder the door to the class ahead had been shut; there was a class going on. Sighing dramatically, Grady ruffled his hair, slightly disgusted. Just because he had taken a shower the night before did not mean he didn't need one this morning! He hoped that he didn't happen upon any of the pretty girls that attended Hogwarts; they would be horrified to see his unkempt hair.

Since a nap was out of the question, Grady decided to take a stroll. There wasn't much of the school he hadn't seen, but something was always happening around Hogwarts, and he did not want to be the first to miss it. What a horror that would be: having to just listen to gossip and not help fuel it. Unfortunately, it appeared the halls were quite empty; Grady was lonely. He thrived off friends and having none there with him made his heart sag. That bad tempered cat of his wasn't even lurking around somewhere, he supposed Hannah was off bothering Mrs. Norris. Oh, when those two cats quarreled it was like two, well, wizards going at it. The only difference was that Hannah was meaner than any person he had ever encountered in his entire life; save for an especially cruel death eater friend of his parents.

Luckily, today he was carrying his wand. It seemed that lately he was leaving it everywhere but where he needed it: with him. His fingers rolled it around in his pocket, until he finally found a suitable place to spend the rest of his break. A sculpture was quickly transfigured into a very comfortable looking lawn chair. He quickly sunk into it, peering down either end of the corridor. There was only two things that could make this day bad. A bee or Wes.
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