Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books of Mystery'/Sunday, 16 Oct/7:37 am
Location: Ravenclaw Girls' Dormitories, Fifth Year
Open to: Jujubean!
Currently involving: Cocobeannnnnn, sleepy head.
Oh, what a beautiful mooooooooorning! Oh, what a beautiful day! I've got a wonderful feeeeeeeeeeling -- everything's goin' mah way!
... And Scene.
Yes, it certainly was a vibrant, gorgeous morning. The calm before the inevitable storm. The Daily Prophet had forecast volatile showers for the better part of the day, but as yet the weather still held. The grey mist of the coming downpour was still beyond the horizon. A warm, effulgent sun the color of syrupy peach and tangible honeydew edged its way over the jagged, mountainous distance, spilling sleepy colour across the land. Birds began singing, calling out their 'good days' and 'how do you dos' and waking up their families. A still chill hung in the air, foreboding of the rain to come. But for now, everything was tranquil, serene.
As the dawn's glow poured in through the windows of Ravenclaw Tower, Clover squinted her eyes in her sleep and rolled over. She dreamed of dancing sugarquills and other fine things, nestling under the warmth of the sunlight creeping over her bedclothes. Ah, Sunday. A day for much-deserved sleeping in.
... Peaceful, wasn't it?