(no subject)

May 24, 2006 05:20

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books of Mystery' / Sunday, 16 October / 1:03 pm
Location: Corridor outside the Ravenclaw Common Room
Open To: Clover
Currently Involving: Phillip

Phillip had rushed from the other side of the castle the moment he'd gotten Clover's reply owl. He couldn't stop beaming the whole way, despite the fact that his finger was still smarting from that bird's sharp nip at him. Blasted owls. The whole lot of them were a temperamental breed. He had to wonder why wizards insisted on using them for communication after so many years of that kind of mistreatment from the sodding birds.

Now, he was pacing outside the entrance to the Ravenclaw Common Room, anxiously making sure his hair looked all right. She'd be out any minute, he was certain, so why did he feel so nervous? And why on earth didn't he mind feeling that way?

He ran his fingers through his hair once more, and took another turn as he reached the statue where he'd said goodnight to her last night. He paused to look into the alcove for a second, a sly smile appearing on his lips, before he moved on in his pacing once more. He hoped she'd be out soon; he desperately wanted to see her again and make sure that last night hadn't, in fact, been just a glorious dream.
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