Week Name / Date / Time,: 'Trick or Treat' / Monday, October 31st / 8 AM
Location: Gryffindor Common Room
Open to: Slylicious
Currently Involving: Lauren-ified! Erik (Happy Halloween from Cohen!)
Erik Cohen was having a pretty tough time with life lately, as most people knew. A dead brother was a traumatic thing, and missing fingers were not much better. But, honestly? Erik couldn't complain. He had the most amazing girlfriend in the world, best friends that supported him, and he was alive. All in all, things were looking up, and that called for a celebration.
Celebrations, in Erik's opinion, needed to be started early. So, on this lovely Halloween morning, Erik Cohen was wide awake and for once not grumpy. He had plans, he had smirks, and he had... well, he had a skirt on. Not that too many people would see, as this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and he intended to keep it limited to the Gryffindors. Because, well, it was a little disturbing and a little... well, it wasn't something Juhi needed to see. This was all in good Erik Cohen style Halloween fun. What was he dressed up as this year? Well, his morning costume was that of Lauren Dispenziere. It wasn't that much of a stretch, as she was the female version of himself. The only problem he was facing was his short hair and the fact that he refused to wear make-up.
But the fake boobs he'd made out of balloons and pudding specially made by house elves? NICE TOUCH.
Strutting into the common room, he placed his hands on his hips playfully and pretended to flip his hair.