Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Minister is Elected' / Thursday, November 10th / 3:00 pm
Location: Somewhere about the Dungeons
Open To: A Dexlike being?
Currently Involving: Sweet Ophelia
Dullness. Dullness of all dullness's was this week, surely. Yes, the puffathing fight had been awfully fulfilling, wonderous thing. Of course, it was a bit juvenile for her tastes. But alas, third year would be third years THERE WAS ONLY SO MUCH ONE COULD DO. And everyone knew Ophelia herself did heaps for the young unwashed, putrid smelling masses of Mudlikes. Er, yes.
In any case, dullness in an Ophy bred restlessness in said Ophy. And restlestness almost always involved wandering the halls in search of firsties to play with things to do. And when she was feeling just foolhardy enough, the dungeons were the place to go. Who knows what was down below the whimsical moving stairs and talking portraits. What loomed in the BLACK HOLES THAT WERE... storerooms mostly, she'd discovered by now. Sigh.