Week Name/Date/Time: Under Your Spell/Tuesday, September 20th/3:00pm
Location: 4th Floor Corridor, Kitchens
Open To: One Other Person
Currently Involving: Julian, Mila
It was nearly three hours until dinner. Julian didn't know if he could wait that long. Piles and piles of candy waited anxiously under his bed, but because of a bet he mad with his sister, they would go untouched. He sighed hopelessly and rubbed his head. He wasn't even exactly sure where he was. You'd think by his sixth year, he'd know which hallways went where. But you'd be wrong. He spent most of his time in the dormitory, or outside; he had no need to wander aimlessly about the castle. Julian wasn't too broken about it, however. People always seemed pop up in the most unexpected places, even a corridor with no obvious doors - just hanging rugs.
Peering down the corridor, Julian couldn't see much anything of. He slowed his pace drasticly, and was on the alert for anything to jump out at him, not that he would've seen what ever it was until it was nearly upon him (not that his eye sight was that bad, some of torches seemed to have flicked out and it was rather dark). Half expecting to run through a ghost, or to trip over Mrs. Norris, Julian paused at every sound. Unfortunately, most of the sounds that echoed through the hall were from his squeaking shoes.
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