(no subject)

Feb 11, 2007 22:05

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Traitors in the Mist' / Monday, March 6th, 2006 / 11am (can be changed)
Location: Grounds
Open To: Tom Paddock
Currently Involving: James Foster

James resented the weather. He hated the winds for hitting them as badly as they did. Really, a school based in Scotland was never going to benefit in terms of sports. The weather was far too unreliable. And because of the travesty that was strong winds, James had been forced to go outside for a jog instead of going for a quick practice session at the pitch.

He had no classes on Mondays and so spent the day slowly easing back into the idea unfinished homework and unpracticed flying (not that either were ever applicable). James jogged along the edge of the lake at a steady pace. He aimed to circle the grounds twice before returning to the common room where he would shower and begin his study for the day. Boring? James? Never!

tom-paddock, week-026

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