Everyone can vote in this poll.
Please choose one.
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms? Yes. I have held many mod positions in HiH, in various communities. I even served for a term previously at Sorted Challenge.
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? I have a lot of availability for mod duties. I get less hours at work during summer months - which the current term is made entirely of, so it works out. I have at least four or five hours daily in order to assist in mod duties actively, and I'm always brainstorming theme ideas otherwise (I mod a few separate icon contests so the thought of new themes is usually always on my mind). I am also easy to reach (email on my phone, Twitter is my addiction, that sort of thing) and can get online extra if and when I am needed. :D
Have you participated in this community before? Many times before! It's one of those communities I always make an extra effort to participate in.
Suggest three challenges for use in this community:
First off, I want to just say I love the ideas brought from Jørgen and Sarah, with trying to inspire more creativity. The way they've set up the prompts - so wonderful and helpful. It is with that idea in mind that I suggest the following prompts.
For technical themes, some ideas:
01:Shadows and Silhouettes
02:Heavy Rotation
03:Primary Colors
I have ideas that are more interpretive as well (though I won't post examples for those). Icons that follow the themes of the elements, for example. Using photoshoots that the actors have done. Moments where the character is in flight, or dueling. Using various film posters. Things like that.
If there is a dispute about points or the challenges within this community, how would you handle it?
Let my co-mod know of the situation. If it's something that could possibly be an issue again later, brainstorm and share possible solutions. If it's something that needs to be handled right away, use my best and most fair judgement of the situation and let send my co-mod a PM/email/whatever of what the situation was and how I handled it, so there can be no issues later of one mod saying something and another mod being unaware of it (as I've seen that be an issue of poor communication between co-mods elsewhere, I think this is especially important). Be as private with the situation as possible, keep it quiet and contained. Handle it all with respect to everyone involved, and not being too pigheaded to not admit if I'm wrong if in fact I am. :3
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community/contest?
I love modding, and I especially love modding icon contests. There's just a lot of fun to be had in coming up with themes, and seeing the many different interpretation members can bring out. I love the direction the community has been heading, with the inspirational and technical prompts, and I want to be a part of that continuing.
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
yes- I was a mod for one term and a prefect for one term
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties?
I'm at my computer a lot at work, so I can check things throughout the day. I also have a lot of free time at night and on the weekends.
Have you participated in this community before?
yes; I've probably participated in about ~75% of the challenges in the past few months
Suggest three challenges for use in this community:
1. supplied quote: icons would need to include at least 3 words of a given quote
2. out of character: icons would need to feature a Harry Potter actor out of character (for example, Daniel Radcliffe from a photo shoot as himself)
3. close-up: icons would be cropped very close-up
If there is a dispute about points or the challenges within this community, how would you handle it?
I would go over my math, because it's entirely possible that I made a mistake. If it was my fault, I'd apologize and make the corrections. If not, I would talk to the person and explain how I came by the points and try to get them to understand that before anyone got mad. If there was still a question, I would bring in my co-mod or one of the HiH mini-mods.
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community/contest?
I think being a mod would be a fun way to give back to the community. There are also so many talented graphics makers here that it would be so fun to help come up with challenges for them.
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms? 3 terms, modded SC before
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? I'm unemployed and around quite a bit so I can be around to answer questions and make sure to have things posted on time.
Have you participated in this community before? Yes. I have been making graphics for 8+ years. I run my own graphics community, have participated heavily in
hogwartsicons and have run numerous icon challenges over the years, many of them ones I opened and ran on my own.
Suggest three challenges for use in this community:
- Tale of the Three Brothers: Icons would need to center around the scene where Hermione reads the 'Tale of the Three Brothers' and focus on the animation of that story. Most likely images would be provided for people to use.
- Patterns: The Harry Potter that is used would be up to the icon maker the only requirement on this one is to have some sort of visible pattern on the icon. Sample patterns could be made available so that people could us them if they wanted to or didn't have any patterns already.
- Quidditch: This could be done 1 of 2 ways or be done to allow both. It could be done with images from Quidditch games through out the movies. Or it could be done with 'fanart' quidditch stuff and used to show house support for your quidditch team. Or they could be asked to design an icon for another house.
- No Eyes: As the title suggest no eyes could be visible in the icon. How this is achieved is up to the icon maker.
- Angled: The image in the icon needs to be noticeably be rotated.
- Header/layout contest: I know this isn't icon challenges but it's been a while since sortedchallenge has had a new layout and I'd love it if we could run one during the term.
If there is a dispute about points or the challenges within this community, how would you handle it? I would listen to the complaint or dispute and then discuss it with my co-mod before taking any action, assuming it was something that didn't need immediate action [which I'd then get the help of an HiH mod]. Once we decided on a course of action one of us would let the person know or if we couldn't reach a conclusion we could then ask our HiH mod for help.
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community/contest? I love graphic making and
sortedchallenge has always been one of my favorite parts of HiH. I'd love the chance to mod it again.
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms? Yes, at multiple times over the years... probably 5 terms, altogether.
How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? I'm on the computer a couple hours a day, at a minimum. I have a flexible schedule and I can make more time, as needed.
Have you participated in this community before? Yes, ever since my first term at HiH.
Suggest three challenges for use in this community:
- Specific Color; either a particular color must be prominent (as provided, such as blue, yellow, orange) or the participants may choose the color, so long as it dominates the icon.
- Profile; the icon may feature any character or OOC actor, as long as the icon shows their profile only.
- Emoticons; the icons must clearly portray a particular emotion (as provided, such as bored, enraged, amused, etc.).
If there is a dispute about points or the challenges within this community, how would you handle it? Because the rules of the community are pretty clear and laid out in each submission post, I think the majority of issues can be handled discreetly, with both mods discussing how to handle the dispute with the parties directly involved. If it were an issue that was beyond what my co-mod and I could handle, we'd consult the minimod. I feel that I can handle myself professionally and fairly, no matter what the problem might be.
Why are you interested in being the mod for this community/contest? I adore pretty much anything related to icons & icon challenges, and I personally enter multiple challenges each week. I think it would be fun to contribute to Sorted Challenge as a mod, as well as a participant. I find it inspiring to see the creativity that comes from interpreting the weekly themes, and I want to support a community that fosters the creative process of icon makers, regardless of skill level. And on a more technical note, I rather enjoy the responsibility of choosing themes, responding to questions or issues, posting the voting & reminder posts, and tallying up both the votes and points. Some might view these tasks as tedious but I've always loved to do it. :3
Poll Sorted Challenge Mod