Somewhat NSFW vid, btw.

May 14, 2009 21:06

So, House finally lost his marbles for real? Poor thing. I loved the way they revealed his delusions, it was done very nicely! Too bad the House/Cuddy wasn't real, I wouldn't have minded it becoming canon. Chase/Cameron, on the other hand, continues to be boring and completely void of chemistry. I've been waiting for Chase to blow off Cameron for good, but damn that boy's thick.

I hope the writers find some new plotlines for the next season because S5? Kinda sucked.

image Click to view

Whoa! They're making an OVA of Maiden Rose! I don't normally care much for yaoi anime, but Maiden Rose is one of my favourites, the manga is so delicious~ And 1:53!! Omfg they're animating the omake as well?! Aaaah, kitty!Taki is the cutest thing ever!! (I feel so out of the loop for not hearing about this before, so excuse the overuse of exclamation marks.)

I finished reading Anne Rice's Exit to Eden yesterday. I've somehow missed the memo that she's written BDSM books in the past, so of course I had to look them up as soon as I heard about it. *cough*

The book started out promising enough and the first half was actually pretty nice, but then halfway through the whole thing just fell apart and the ending seriously made me want to throw things. Seriously. I am not reading a BDSM book to get a fucking LET'S-GET-MARRIED ending!? It was like something out of a Harlequin book for godssake! I mean yeah, I got that the book is about the main couple falling in love, but I wasn't expecting it to be this utterly boring crap! What was the point of spending half the book setting up a scenario with BDSM as the main flavour and then just turning a 180 degrees and going in the exact opposite direction? I just don't fucking get it!

Also, needs moar Scott/Elliot. A LOT more, and I wouldn't mind some Richard/Scott on the side. Oh fffffffffuuuuuuuuu I doubt there is any fanfiction for this, what with the Anne Rice factor and all? *SIGH* I kinda want to check out the other books (Belinda & the Sleeping Beauty ones, that is), but I don't know... Maybe later.

//edit. Oh Roger, you and your silly ads. ♥

random, books, telly, tennis is gay, what the crap, vids, do want!, porrrn

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