Hello, participants! We're awfully sorry for posting this just now. We seem to keep forgetting to make a post on these details. But here are the details on posting.
Participants don't need to post their actual works in the official tumblr or in this community. They may post it in any site found in the internet, as long as it is for public viewing and may be accessed at any time.
What is expected of the participants is to post a masterlist, either here or in tumblr (either as a submission or as a post tagged with hijack big bang or big bang hijacked!) with the link of their works. What needs to be in the masterlist are as follows:
- Writer
- Beta
- Artist
- Link to Fic
- Link to Art
- Word Count
- Rating
- Genre
- Characters
- Warnings
- Summary
For what is considered as warning/s, please go to
General Information.
Participants are expected to post their works on the assigned posting date. If the writer rather not post all the chapters, if it is a chaptered fic, then they are expected to at least post 10,000 words of their fic by the end of the day. It would be unfair to the other participants who post at least 10,000 words on their assigned day.
There will be a posting schedule for the participants so that the participants have their spotlight and there won't be trafficking. There will be two participants per day and they may post any time of the day. The days assigned are randomly chosen to be fair to the participants.
If there is the possibility that the writer was unable to meet the requirements by due date but the artist was able to make art for the project, then they have the choice to post it here in the community or in Tumblr and fill in the masterlist as they please. We do not want the hard work of the artist to go to waste, after all.