ETA on the burn thing: I liberally coated it in Germoline (or: that horrible stingy stuff my grandma used to subject me to as a child) (IT SMELLS LIKE CHILDHOOD, YOU GUYS) but it STILL HURTS. It's gone all shiny in the middle o.o and it's started to like, raise up. This is the worst burn I've ever had, lol. I have a little line on my hand from the oven tray, but it's nowhere near the severity of this. D:
In other news: I FINISHED MY DRABBLE! It turned out to be a double-drabble. Only thing, now I'm stuck for a title. Fuck. I hate titles. They should just go die in a fire. I considered calling it Knife Party after the Deftones song I'm listening to right now, but I kinda want to use that for my violence/fighting themed one later on. HURM.
Fandom: Resident Evil
Title: Appetite
Characters/Pairings: Leon S. Kennedy, Jack Krauser (Leon/Krauser)
Theme: Siege
Rating/Warnings: No spoilers. Some language.
Author's Notes: This is set some indeterminate time-period of vagueness.
Summary: The noise of chainsaws can get really grating after a while.
“Looks like we're stuck here, comrade.” Krauser looked anything but displeased. He flipped his knife idly between hands.
“If we don't go mad before we get rescued.” Leon stuck a finger in his ear and wiggled it around. “Chainsaws, huh.”
“They'll never get through stone with those.” The knife turned in the air and Leon caught it with a swift hand.
Krauser shot him a glare and Leon raised an eyebrow. “You'll drive me mad before they do if you don't stop with the knife-tossin',” he drawled.
“Gotta do something,” Krauser retorted. “Sieges are boring as shit.” His shoulder was warm against Leon's, his leg at a tilt too casual to be natural. Noise swelled chaotic around them and all Leon could think about was the press of Krauser's leg, and his shoulder, and the heaving of his chest.
And then he was straddling Leon quicker than a snake; hand pressing knife-hand to cold stone, and the heady smell of blood in Leon's nostrils.
“I thought of something,” Krauser growled into Leon's neck.
Leon wriggled his knife-hand and grinned into Krauser's hard kiss as the grip tightened, vice-like and predictable as ever.