Tittle: Clothes like the rainbow
Group: Kanjani8
Characters: Ohkura centered, Yasuda, a bit of Ryo and brief mentions of others.
For some reason he always knew how to fascinate him. His eyes always set on the older man who happily searched for attention while skipping through the dressing room in his colorful outfits.
Just once, Ohkura had asked him why he always wore such colorful clothes that made him stand out and made him look so much younger than his 25 years. The smaller male had only shrugged at this, and with a smile he had told the younger it was because it showed who he was in many different ways. With those words he had skipped off again, to bother Yokoyama with something Ohkura couldn't hear. Not that he needed to know, he was lost in his own stream of thoughts, thinking about the answer he just got.
Ever since the lanky male had a slight obsession with Yasuda's fashion. The colors, the way he wore his shirt inside out because he liked it better that way, to the point that he wondered why the small male would wear two different shoes at the same time.
It was like a puzzle to him, but unfortunately every time he thought he had found a way to let the pieces fit together there was a figuratively blow of the wind that messed up his theory.
Sometimes he would zone out while thinking about the older bubbly man and his overly colorful wardrobe, this not noticed very often because he was the silent type to begin with. But one time, while he found himself mesmerized by the bight pink of Yasuda's pants, he felt someone's foot nudging in his side and when he looked up his sheepish gaze met Nishikido's wide grin.
"I don't know if you know, but you've been staring at Yasu from almost 15 minutes now," the raven coughed, "you know."
A little bit dazed Ohkura blinked at him, he had already been 15 minutes? He shook his head and without answering he watched how the older male helped himself down from the higher stand he was sitting on and took place next to his younger band mate.
"If you want to ask him out or something, do it. Just watch out for Yoko, because if Yasu turns you down he'll never let it rest. For the rest of your life." There lingered a grin on the ravens lips and Ohkura wondered how he got the idea that he wanted to go out with Yasuda. He chuckled lightly and shook his head again, "it's nothing like that. I just wonder why he's always dressed like that."
Ryo's gaze now was fixed on the smaller male too, and while thinking about an answer he bit his lower lip. "Have you already tried asking him?"
The younger nodded, "I did, and he said it is because the clothes show who he is. But I can't seem to find the link between Yasu and bright hot pink with yellow polka dots."
This comment triggered a raw laughter from the smaller male, "Tacchon, you're taking this too literal. It's not the clothing itself, it's the combination..." Ohkura made a pained sound, "stop Ryo-chan! I want to figure this out by myself."
Another laughter from the older and a pat on his back, before Nishikido had left again to bother someone else, that someone being Maruyama.
Ohkura's eyes were fixed on Yasuda again and slowly he started processing the new date about the combinations being the key in this puzzle. In his mind he went through the older males wardrobe as he remembered every little piece he has seen from it. From the purple feathery jacket to the green t-shirt with red stripes on it.
His eyes widened a little bit, and with a triumphantic yell he snapped his fingers. He quickly got up as he called out for the older male that was just talking to Shibutani. He snapped his head towards the hall and the round eyes of Yasuda followed him and without asking anything he happily bounced along.
"What's wrong Tacchon?" There was a hint of softness in his eyes in which Ohkura had gladly drowned if it wasn't for the fact that he was too excited because of his discovery.
"I know what your clothes tell about you!" He exclaimed and the smaller males laughed, "You did? Let me hear it then!"
"Every piece of clothing stands for an emotion, a feeling you don't speak out but show through what you wear. When Subaru was so busy with Dream Boys, and he could go out with us less, you wore that vest with the clue collar a lot. You also wear that when Ryo-chan is out with NEWS. So that stands for longing. However, every first day of a new tour you wear that pink sneaker on your left foot and the yellow one on your right. So those this stand for your anxiety. You always laugh and joke when with us, and though you talk a lot, your clothes speak for you when it comes to feelings."
Two big brown eyes blinked at him for a bit, and then a smile broke open his face. One that reached his eyes and made the taller male feel all warm and fuzzy from the inside. "You're the first one to see it like that Tacchon. But I guess you're right. I do pick my clothes based on how I feel." Yasuda grinned, "it makes the best combinations."
Ohkura beamed, proud that after months of staring and thinking he had with the help of Ryo of course finally found out what was the real reason of the older males clothing.
"However, you forgot to mention one really important thing. One that I only wear when you are around," Yasuda said, causing the younger male to frown a little bit. "Only when I'm here? What is it?"
He felt bad for not seeing it, but when Yasuda pointed has his cheeks Ohkura knew enough. It made him feel good the older said he only wore it when he was with him, because needless to say, it was the most precious piece of every outfit, the finishing touch.
"Ah, your smile!"