Break Time

May 19, 2010 04:44

Tittle: Break Time
Rating: PG
Characters: Chinen Yuuri, Nakajima Yuuto, Yamada Ryosuke, Shida Mirai, Ohgo Suzuka, Kawashima Umika (no pairings intended unless you want to see them

Umika sighed a little dreamy as she plopped down on her chair, earning a cocked brow from Suzuka, and a... Well, she earned nothing from Mirai who seemed a little bit to intrigued with her little staring contest with a certain Yamada Ryosuke. In order not being forced to ask what was going on, Suzuka quickly stuffed her mouth with sushi as she watched her classmate's dreamy silhouette. 'Oh, boy...'

"You know," Umika's voice broke the not totally uncomfortable silence, "Ohno-kun really is cool." The youngest of 3 rolled her eyes at this and nearly wanted to add that he was, next to being really cool, also nearly double her age. Yet, before she could speak, she saw a little dark flash grabbing a chair and flopped himself onto it, two dark eyes now glaring at the oldest girl. "Just so you know, Kawashima-san, Ohno-kun is mine."

Umika raised a brow at the younger male, who looked back at her with this daring look in his eyes, causing Suzuka to squeak in annoyance. Not this again. This stupid fight about nothing. It wasn't like the nearly 30 year old super idol was interested in two fangi-- wait, Yuuri was a guy... Anyway, intested in two teenagers. "Mirai-chan, help me out here... Please?" She pleaded to the older girl, earning some kind of throw-away-gesture from her. "Not now Suzu. I'm winning this."

"Winning what?" The youngest girl asked, not even trying to hide the clear hints of annoyance in her voice. She needed the older girl now. She needed a little support before the battle of fangirl/boying teenagers would unleash, right here at their table.

"Glaring contest." Mirai answered shortly, taking a quick sip of her juice, wiping her lips afterwards. "I finally got him where I want him. And I'm not gonna let Ryosuke win. Just because he is one day older than I am... And a man."

Suzuka, now desperate threw her head on the table, "You got him nowhere Mirai-chan!" She whined, "he's been at that same place, in the same chair, all break long. Until the bell goes and once again, another breaks ends up being ruined by this game who will never be won by either of you."

Again that throw-away-gesture, and a soft groan. "Either way, I'm not gonna help you."

In the meanwhile, Umika had attempted to make herself taller than Yuuri was, failing at this because she indeed missed 5 little centimeters. Causing the younger boy to dance on his spot, exclaiming that Ohno-kun would always notice him first, because he indeed was taller.

"Wouldn't that mean, you'll never be seen by Ohno-kun since you are the smallest of your group?" Suzuka cleverly pointed out, her forehead still plastered on the table, her gaze fixed on the little crumbles of rice that she had dropped during eating her lunch. 'Geez, she was a messy eater..'

Upon hearing this words Yuuri stopped dancing, and Umika smirked, as if this was her victory too. "I... Well..." The boy started, ready to make a snarky comment. "I'm still taller than you!" He pointed towards Umika and marched off. Barging through the corridor, he yelled, "Yuuto!!! Come here and teach me how to be tall!"

Just when Suzuka thoughts she could continue the last bits of break in peace, she was proved wrong again.

The next thing she saw was a very frantic Yuuto that ran for his dear life, followed by a little seemingly angry little acrobat who exclaimed the taller boy had stole all his height when they were younger. As the older boy ran, he knocked over Ryosuke's chair in the process, making the 17-year old male tumble on the ground with a yelp and a "damn you Yuuto! Watch it, will ya?!" This in return causing Mirai to jump up, and dancing her own little victory dance, singing, "I won~! I won~! YOU BROKE THE EYE CONTACT RYOSUKE! Ahahahaha!"

As quickly as he could the older boy made his way towards the girl, in his place saying it wasn't fair, it hadn't been his fault after all. He didn't knock the chair over. The younger girl being incorrigible, he had lost. She had won. Unleashing another fight between two classmates.

In the meanwhile Umika had climbed upon her chair, now cheering for Yuuto, who was still running away from Chinen who told him to give back the height he stole, and Suzuka looked around, her eyes searching from someone, or something that would safe her from this... This whatever it was. Her eyes finding this little something on the wall. The clock.

She smirked, and watched how the clock slowly ticked it's way towards the 12. "3... 2... 1..."

Thank God. Break time was over.


Don't ask me why I wrote this. I don't know. I never write 7. Nor girls. And yet I just did. Eep!

drabble, humor, hey!say!7

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