Title: Brothers in Arms
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester / Sam Winchester
Theme set: Beta
Rating: K - T
Warning[s]: Yeah, Dean and Sam are brothers, and they don’t cross that line in these fifty sentences. Maybe next time?
#01 - Walking
Though it scared him that he didn’t remember the last eighteen months, he would never give up the memory of his little brother walking into Bobby’s study, alive and whole.
#02 - Waltz
Dean couldn’t dance anything even remotely romantic, and he loathed giving Sam the one up to teach him how.
#03 - Wishes
Both wished the other had a second chance, and both suffered greatly for it.
#04 - Wonder
There were days that Sam wished that they traveled to all the wonders in America for some twisted vacation, not because Dad was hell bent of killing the thing that killed mom, with Dean agreeing every step of the way.
#05 - Worry
Sam left him alone, and it was all Dean could do to not chase him down.
#06 - Whimsy
Whatever the hospital gave him had him as high as a kite, with Sam just waiting for the crash landing that was sure to happen.
#07 - Waste/Wasteland
Every damn time they entered a barren wasteland in the Mid West, something was out to kill them.
#08 - Whiskey and rum
After a job that almost got them both killed, Sam broke out the whiskey and Dean passed out from the rum.
#09 - War
Sam freed Lucifer and started the world’s worst war, and Dean was the only one to end it.
#10 - Weddings
Of all the things Dean Winchester loathed, weddings was at the top of his list, though he would’ve sucked it up if Sam had been able to marry Jessica.
#11 - Birthday
Sam dropped a few Twinkies on Dean’s lap, humming an off-key birthday song just to annoy the birthday boy.
#12 - Blessing
The only thing blessings were good for, Dean decided, was making holy water to hold off the things that went bump in the night.
#13 - Bias
Sam knew that his brother was one of the best, but he never said it out loud, or Jo would mutter something about unfair advantages.
#14 - Burning
Seeing Jess on fire every night was destroying his little brother, and Dean would spend every day making up for that fact.
#15 - Breathing
“Sammy,” Dean yelled, pulling the larger man from the lake and starting chest compressions, all the while praying to a God that he scarcely believed in to let Sam live, just for another day.
#16 - Breaking
Everyone had a breaking point, and Sam knew Dean’s like the back of his hand.
#17 - Belief
The only belief he shared with his brother was the belief that they might just make it to the next sun rise.
#18 - Balloon
“Dude, just take the balloon and be done with it,” Dean growled, thrusting the string into the eleven-year-old’s hand.
#19 - Balcony
Balconies were dangerous, especially when you’re Dean Winchester and being thrown off another one, only to be followed by your little brother.
#20 - Bane
There were days when Dean got under his skin, days when he wished he would have just stayed in hell, but he always forgave him by the end of the job.
#21 - Quiet
The week Sam was in a coma was one of the quietest weeks of his life, and he never wanted to be in that position again.
#22 - Quirks
Dean ate too much and Sam was too empathetic, but they both got used to their quirks all over again.
#23 - Question
Sam learned early on to not question Dean’s decisions, except when he was wrong and was just going to make a mess of things.
#24 - Quarrel
About once a week, the two would get in some sort of world-ending fight, only for make up later when their lives were at stake.
#25 - Quitting
Dean spent one year retired when Sam was dead; that was as close to a real life as anything.
#26 - Jump
Building jumping was never high on Dean’s list, especially chasing a skincrawler wearing his brother’s face.
#27 - Jester
Sam’s idea of dressing Dean as a court jester was abso-fucking-lutely hilarious, though Dean just might kill him over the pictures he sent to Bobby.
#28 - Jousting
Dean got his revenge though, by completely trashing Sam at the medieval jousting event, in the first round, too.
#29 - Jewel
The moment Sam realized that the demons were really just simple jewel thieves, he and Dean nearly cried over the loss of sleep that they had already endured.
#30 - Just
If they had been just a few hours sooner, Jess would have been alive, Sam wouldn’t have died with a knife in his back, Dean wouldn’t have had to sell his soul to bring him back, and everything in the world would have made sense, even if it meant Dean and Sam would still be at odds.
#31 - Smirk
Dean’s little smirk drove him completely insane, and made him question himself on a daily basis.
#32 - Sorrow
Sam wouldn’t let anyone burn Dean’s body, because he wanted to have a place to go to as penance, or so he told Bobby.
#33 - Stupidity
Some of Dean’s plans were filled with brilliant moves, but there were days that Sam wondered if all of his ideas came from the comic section of the newspaper.
#34 - Serenade
Sam nearly shot himself in the foot when he accidently heard Dean trying to sing to the motel’s owner, and nearly chocked when she actually opened the door to him.
#35 - Sarcasm
Their lives were built on witty one liners and music references, but Sam knew that Dean was all he had, and was one of the few people he trusted above all else.
#36 - Sordid
The first time they had to go digging through a junkie’s apartment, Dean felt as though he had a inch thick lining of dirt on his skin; the second time, he felt worse, considering this one belonged to a friend.
#37 - Soliloquy
There were days that Dean would hear Sam talking to himself, and he feared that his hallucinations were getting worse.
#38 - Sojourn
Staying at Bobby’s was supposed to be a temporary thing, just until they got the Impala fixed; Sam never expected to want to call it home when they finally left.
#39 - Share
“Dude, give me some,” Sam snapped, reaching for his brother’s fries, only to jerk back when Dean kicked him.
#40 - Solitary
Four months without Dean made him a better Hunter, especially since he could do everything he needed to do alone.
#41 - Nowhere
With Sam withering from the poison of some demon, Dean wondered if they could really find the antidote, or was their research just a waste of time.
#42 - Neutral
They only had a few rules: driver chooses the music, passenger shuts his mouth, and damn it, don’t die.
#43 - Nuance
The settle twitch of Sam’s cheek was all he needed to see to be able to tell that the man before him was not his little brother.
#44 - Near
Every day he was a day closer to his death, and yet he still wouldn’t let Sammy help him break free from his deal.
#45 - Natural
With Dad away on a hunt, it only made sense for Dean to teach Sam to drive; they both regretted that decision later.
#46 - Horizon
Every day the sun rose on the horizon was another day, where they were alive, breathing, and ready to kill some demons.
#47 - Valiant
Sam put himself between Dean and the vampire, giving Dean the second he needed to reload, even if he didn’t need it.
#48 - Virtuous
Neither of the brother fit any definition of “virtuous”, unless it mattered that Sam was closer than Dean, by a long shot.
#49 - Victory
Dean walked into Bobby’s living room, holding up the last piece of the puzzle to stop the latest thing that drove them to the dusty books.
#50 - Defeat
Sam’s body collapsed into his brother’s arms, and the world crumbled around him.