Title: The One That Got Away Pairing: YunJae Genre: romance, AU Rating: PG13 for now? Length: Double-shot Summary: Jaejoong never meant to be the one that got away.
I'm glad you decided to post this it's good:) I certainly hope you'll continue it because I'm curious to know what Jae's reason for leaving was. I liked that Yunho didn't crumble instantly but I have a feeling he will soon!
I'm so looking forward to Jaejoong's explanation cause his "I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time." is such a stupid answer. No wonder Yunho is possed off. I'm glad that Yunho overhead Jaechun's tele-conversation so at least he knows there is more than to why Jaejoong broke it off with him 5 years ago.
Fighting to the second part! Count me in as a reader for the second part. Good luck!
Comments 32
please tell us..
ooo, bb~~~
please help to remember...kkk...
will wait for the continual for this story~~ :)
I'll try my best to finish this.
Thank you for reading! <3
that was a tease...
I wonder why Jae left even though he is very much in love with Yun.
I agree with everyone, please continue this fic...
Thank you!!
Thanks for reading!!! <3
AND yeah, I don't think anyone can stay mad at Jaejoong when he's so adorable. lol. ^^
Fighting to the second part! Count me in as a reader for the second part. Good luck!
waiting for the next part :)
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