Title: Crushed (Falling for on each other.) Pairing: YunJae Genre: romance, AU, trying to be comedy? idk. Rating: PG13 cuz' I like cussing? :)) Length: drabble Summary: Jaejoong is such a klutz.
Hahaha, oh Jaejoong. Texting while walking could be very dangerous ESP if you are crossing the street. But I guess I'm this situation, it's not that bad cause he fell on Yunho, the love of his life. Lol.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Jaejoong is really such a klutz, in a lovely way. It's so amused that he blurt the phrase 'falling for each other' out loud and so sudden XD
aweee that is so cutee! ^^ high school romance is always my favorite especially when a crazy, clumsy Jaejae is in it. And diva!Chul as his cousin/BFF x) My perfect high school au!
pss : I think i like this sort of story cos im waaaaaaaayyy passed that school age HOHO. Reality sucks x:
Comments 15
Thanks for reading! <3
Jaejoong is really such a klutz, in a lovely way.
It's so amused that he blurt the phrase 'falling for each other' out loud and so sudden XD
high school romance is always my favorite especially when a crazy, clumsy Jaejae is in it.
And diva!Chul as his cousin/BFF x) My perfect high school au!
pss : I think i like this sort of story cos im waaaaaaaayyy passed that school age HOHO.
Reality sucks x:
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