I think I realized that when my body gets too overheated when I'm sleeping - I have bad/weird/funky dreams!
I like sleeping when the house is about 70 degrees... or lower (I use 3 blankets) and I woke up the house was about 78 degrees! *cry face* So here's my dream! What I remember of it!
For some reason - we were in a parking lot and Jerry just finished a show with the guys and the gfs were there too. I really wanted to take a shower cause my hair was gross so I was complaining about it - then I walked away with my gym bag and found an empty parking space and turned on a shower head (that happened to be there) with my clothes on - but I was just wetting my hair. Soon - all the girls showed up there and was like "What are you doing? there's a sumo match going on in that parking space!" I turned around - and there were sumos!
So they drag me into the car while I'm whining about wanting to wash my hair and my hair's wet and they throw me in the trunk of a jeep. We end up at one of their friend's house - an asian couple where the wifey is 15 yrs older than the dude. I meet the wifey later to ask if I could take a shower at her place and she has 3 pairs of twin pets - dogs (that looked like really really stretched out Little Santa's Helpers), cats, and ferrets. She says her (and some reason looks 50).
I start turn the water on in the shower and it's a two-sided shower with two shower heads on opposing sides (his and her showers) and I get all my stuff out of my bag. Then some reason I start taking all the drawers out of her cabinets and stacking them. I finally take a shower and start running around in the backyard in my underwear. (???)
Then! suddenly some super buff guys come in so I hide (cause I'm in my underwear) and start talking about how they can't believe they get paid to skateboard for the lady of the house and how she's soooo in love with him. But! She doesn't realize their whole group is gay and a weird intersexxing group. then I had conflicting thoughts of if I should tell her or tell her husband.
Then i woke up when my phone rang. Weird! I remember feeling really anxious to take a shower. But now I'm awake... I don't care about that! LOL!