My favorite house on the island..however the people who lived in it were jerks
I liked these trees for some reason, because they're all crooked and what not
same trees
My secret boat
Sam and Serena
I caught you a large bass? with Razorsharp teeth:)
Strang looking birds
Glittering paradise on a forbidden part of the island
Still on the forbidden part of the island
some sort of tail i found:) you can see the vertebrae and everything
a tree and its roots
A very large horseshoe crab shell i found...scary
A large carcus i found on the forbidden part of the island that was owned by the government..suspicious, yes.
Gilligan's boat.
my hut that i slept in most of the time...
A strange pattern of flowers that i liked and a good view
A horse i spotted grazing on this grass
The scariest turkey i've ever was not nice.
I found a bra in some branches..i thought that only happened at bristol but i suppose was really dirty too.
This is blurry but it said "Paul and Mia"...then next time we saw it, it said "Penis and Mia," how cute, they made babies
serena aka pukester
Heather washing away Serena's boogers in the ocean
At the port
Serena being cute/wierd
Parking lot.
Starfish on a platter.. its dead.
Point Judith Town
My favorite part..pathway to the beach
The sunset was better when you were really there...much better
So thats it...thats what i did in block island basically. the ride home was very bumpy, i had to clean up serena's puke on the ferry and i realized maybe i am cut out to be a doctor of some sort...or a mother...someday..hahah