It seems I've lost my cell phone. If you need me please call my voice mail and leave a message with your number so that I can call you back with my land line. Also no text messages as I will not be able to read them without my phone. I wonder where I put that thing. It is not where I thought it was and I am kinda freaking out about being sans
I don't get it! I've moved on, my head has moved on, my actions have moved on, but my heart still hurts. Why can't I let go of the past. Will these pangs of sadness ever go away?
So...I forgot my wallet today, I also forgot my lunch. Consequently I have no food nor do I have the means to buy some food. I am so hungry I haven't eaten since last night at like 5pm. Not that I'm going to waste away, I'm just hungry.
I was proud of my GPA. In High School I would have been proud to have a 3.5. Now I am embarrassed by this like its not enough. Arrggghhhh!!! I feel so unintelligent! It's as if I need some excuse for those A-, and B+ grades. The plus minus system was not my idea and while we are at it neither was translating my 28/30 Italian Exam translating
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1. There is a party tonight, a huge party, with drinks, call me if you want to go.
2. Thursday night I only slept for 3.5 hours because
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