my week in a somewhat large nutshell:
left tuesday morning at the buttcrack of dawn, walked to the bus
station and almost missed the bus. long boring bus ride (not to
mention smelly...). got to bellingham and hung out with the
padre. wednesday, hung around the house with my dad, caught up,
watched movies. thursday went to his grad bbq way out in sudden
valley. later went to the moto-cross thing with amanda, that was
fun. friday went out to birch bay to see the fam, ate lunch and
played with amber and brent. saturday went on a date with my dad
to go see war of the worlds, it was really good. sunday did
nothing, watched movies and the tour de france (go lance). monday (the
4th) the family came over and had a lunch in which my gpa tried to feed
everyone spoiled meat cause he's too stubborn and cheap to throw
anything out. most people didn't eat any meat (we had okay meat
too..). later, katie liu took me and herself out to lindsey's and
we almost got killed by fireworks and it was fun. tuesday spent
more time with the padre, went to see mr and mrs smith with lindsey and
stayed over, watched a bunch of L word. wednesday went out to
ross and got some shirts and a pair of jeans. thursday same old
stuff, hung out with my dad and watched movies. we went to the
store and starbucks and then i got on a bus at almost 9 pm. got
to seattle a little after ten, left seattle at 1130 (actually 1155
cause it was late leaving). got to spokane at 5 in the morning,
had a freaking almost six hour layover. read a book, ate a couple
of granola bars and slept a little, but i was too paranoid about my
shit so i couldn't relax. got into pullman at 1230. took a
cab up to the apt, and the driver hit my head with the trunk lid.
paid the rent (finally, cause sondra didn't call me back and let me
know how much to pay, so i had to pay a ten dollar late fee), got some
apts to clean for the weekend and checked the mail. figured out
my bills and now i'm about to try to install microsoft office that my
dad burned me and unpack. then i will pass the fuck out.
p.s. i talked to coral a bunch, i have her number for when she's
in japan for anyone who wants it. i miss her lots!!!