We had a Mage session again yesterday. The game got practically nowhere, but at least I didn't feel like a complete loser: the group might actually work, we might actually have fun. Although it's still a bit awkward at times. Meilu was there watching, which didn't bother us at all (I think), so that if someone else want's to come and observe next
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Comments 6
I definitely do not hate J. He is a funny fellow. I don't yet feel comfortable enough to spend time with him alone, but I don't mind him coming along at all when we do stuff!
By the way, J called his friend Teemu (I think you have met him in some Linnalive) to visit tuesday, since he hasn't yet seen our apartment. He may stay to watch our Mage game. Eeps, I'm scared! You should come too, so that I wouldn't feel overall so threatened. (Well, you are un-threatening - even if you actually could get angry. Which we, of course, don't believe.)
I know me not getting angry is just a joke, but I'd appreciate it if it wasn't repeated so often. It makes me feel like you're sort of belittling my feelings of anger towards e.g. my family and the girls who were mean to me at school and so on. And although the times after my parents' divorce made me almost incapable of shouting at people, my being quiet doesn't mean I don't feel anything. But I haven't had any reason to be angry at you or other Eridas for a long time, if ever, and I hope I never will!
Mut joo, menneet ovat menneitä. Olen liian väsynyt ja kiireinen muotoilemaan tuota paremmin. Tjana.
Lupaisin olla enää ottamatta asiaa esille, ellei tämän pahuksen journaalin koko konsepti jollain mystisellä tavalla provosoisi äärimmäiseen angstiin ja henkeäsalpaaviin tunnustuksiin. Tai ehkä se olen vain minä.
Mutta kuitenkin.
Olen myös päättänyt olla lukitsematta viestejä siinä epämääräisessä toivossa, että jos minulla joskus oikeasti on jotain salattavaa, Murphyn laki vetää jonkun ulkopuolisen lukemaan sen - ja saan siis lukijoita. Öhöm.
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