are in one of these categories: hundreds of miles away, married, with girlfriends, gay, think they are gay, jerks and/or just stupid people in general, can't hold their liquor.
Come on! All of them? Even your friends and Relatives? Im talking about men in general, who are still in your life. (I tend to take out the ones that might have been mistakes from my life completely - they were all valuable experiences)
Hunderds of miles away, too shy to make the first step, gay, married, with girlfriends, married and with girlfriends, think they are gay with girlfriends, can't hold their liquor, macho type, and, of course, artistic tortured individuals :) I am talking about all men here, including friends and colleagues.
Comments 5
Im talking about men in general, who are still in your life. (I tend to take out the ones that might have been mistakes from my life completely - they were all valuable experiences)
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