So, let me just say that I didn't like VM 2.11 for all primary reasons that people didn't like it,
Essentially, my main issue was with continuity and storyline. We got some great snark, I wouldn't trade the elevator scene for the world-- that was great. On a side note, WTF with the people freaking over Logan calling Veronica a Ho? He's called her worse, and frankly, who gives a fuck? I mean, they shouldn't be on nice-nice friendly terms, right? V kind of bailed on his case, and so there's no nice days on the calendar. But other than that, I like the snark. I like the venom. I enjoy the pain. THe verbal warfare is what I want to see, damnit.
So, like our friend the FBI Warrior Princess, let's recite: Logan-- asshole. Logan-- asshole. Let's make a declarative statement: Logan is an asshole. And if we all can embrace that then we can love him for who and what he really is. An ass. If you want to be all pretty about Logan, at least admit his anti-hero status: he's flawed, he's imperfect, he's 17. I don't want to listen to whining about how he doesn't respect Veronica-- or blah blah blah. Lest we forget, these characters are in high school. They do and say stupid things because, like everyone, they've got to learn about the realities of life the hard way. Wah about it to yourself.
But, back to the ep and not the subject matter of contention #1 in the VM fandom-- While I don't like the character of Duncan, I have no choice but to blame that dislike on the flawed writing of the creative team this season. When I watched the first season of VM, I liked Duncan's character, but was hardly impressed with Teddy Dunn's acting. But, overall I felt he did a finer job in season 1 in playing the chararcter of Duncan than he has in season 2, and yes, a lot of that has to do with the material he's working with, which hasn't worked to develop anything-- in fact, it's masked a lot of who his character was in season one. So, that's why I'm not a big Duncan or TD fan-- not because I don't like him and Veronica together (which I don't, for obvious reasons) but because I wonder what the hell *is* there to like?
Anyway, so the ep-- I won't reiterate what's been said about the flawed plot, confusing storylines and craptastic reveal. ALl I have to say is: Kristen at EONline, I did not have to change my shorts. It was not that shocking to me really, because I expected it. There were some very nice moments, but I just wish that they could have worked on the script a little harder and made sure that there was solid continuity and flow throughout the ep.
In the rundown:
BEST MOMENT: Elevator scene. Hands Down
SECOND BEST:the Logan/Weevil brushpass.
BEST LINE: (tie) Logan's "But you always come," and Veronica's "Let's hope she gets your smile"
WORST LINE: Warrior FBI Princess and the "Gitmo" comment. Uh, what the fuck ever!
WORST MOMENT: The cheesy reveal. That kiss made me feel really kind of sick. Like, did it need to be the "Oh my god I have to kiss you right this second, you stud! Because we're star-crossed lovers, baby, and your baby with another girl is on the floor, but kiss me damn it! Kiss me! Kiss me harder!"
MOST REDEEMING ELEMENT: Keith's "You played me Veronica"-- I can't wait to see all the ramifications of mistrust
MOST DAMNING MOMENT: Well, I think I covered those.
Gah. How can this show have the best angst ever? While not as funny as some of the other previously-run eps, the Pam/Jim angst was so freaking awesome. The brown paper bag moment! The VoiceMail messages! I am so in love with those two.
And I'm so in love the Office that I ordered Series 1 from the UK and spent all night watching it, and now am also in love with the UK office, the Dawn/Tim angst, and the humor there. I am ordering Series 2 today, since I am now dying to know what happens. But, it was cool to see them in reverse, as a lot of people had recommended the UK version to me pre US, and I always meant to watch but never got around to it. I love it. When I watched the pilot to the UK and it was essentially identical to the US, I was thinking that the whole thing would be like that, and was pleasantly surprised that the US version took that first ep as a starting off point.
Anyway, just had to share my love.
Am I the only person who really loved this episode?
That's all for me