It wasn't the weather; I've got some bug.
Actually, seems to me, a bug I've had since March has flared up again.
Last evening, chills & fever, 102.5
Later same night, 101.5
this morning: 100.2
Afternoon: 100.4
Always low-grade, always lingering...
And ...
the usually watery, near-colorless phlegm that has plagued me since March
is now thick and green. Or yellowish-greenish-brown. Hard to name it exactly. But it looks pretty bad.
This is something I've been trying to get my doctors to address since day one. It's like once they found cancer, they dismissed any other explanation for any symptoms.
But seriously..even someone with cancer can get a respiratory infection on top of it. And I definitely want them to treat that FIRST.
I mean, apparently I've had the big LC, or the beginnings of it, since at least January of last year. No symptoms, other than shortness of breath which I wrote off to being out of shape.
Then, on March 20th exactly, I suddenly came down with sore throat, chills & fever, and phlegm-y coughing.
Which never really went away.
And what I thought were hot flashes were possibly low-grade fevers, I'm realizing now.
No, I almost never took my temp back then, because the cheap digital one from China that we had, never seemed to give an accurate reading. It seemed stuck at right around 97.8 .
More recently, I've purchased a real one--not digital--made in West Germany. Its readings are as cited above.
I have to have to HAVE TO talk to somebody about this before the chemo starts. Which is supposed to be next Wednesday.
Because according to the lit they gave me, chemo knocks down your ability to fight infection.
So, if I already have one, and a stubborn one at that?
Seems like a formula for disaster, to me.