I was tagged by
caersidi The rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Share the seven (7) most famous or infamous people you have met.
- Tag 7 random people at the end of your post.
- Include links to their blogs.
- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Well, it won't be much of a surprise to see that most of the people on my list are actors due to the number of conventions I attend. There's one or two other people in there too though. Also, people I think are famous aren't necessarily known by other people. I'm going to try and list the people who are most well known. I'm going to include links to them on Wiki
Jasper Fforde. I met him at a book signing in York and he was a really nice, down to earth and funny man. I would love to meet him again if I get the opportunity
Tanni Grey-Thompson I have to say I had no idea who she was when she awarded me my university degree but I went away and read about her afterwards and she's done some incredible things.
Jim Davidson. This definitely falls under the infamous category. I appeared on TV with him when I was about 5 years old, along with the rest of my Brownie Pack (Girl Scout Group for those in the US). Apparently he was an absolutely arsehole and insisted on the girl in our group who was in a wheelchair be placed next to him because it would make him look good
Elijah Wood. Definitely the most famous of all the actors I've met. They had him hidden away in a secret room so people wouldn't bother him. LOL. My experience meeting him was a little disappointing as there were so many people waiting to see him. All I got was a 'hello' but I guess it still counts. LOL! I have a photo of us together
Brandon Routh. He may have only been in one film, but he's Superman which I think makes him pretty damn famous. He was lovely. We didn't talk a lot but he was very friendly and smiled and was just nice
James Marsters. Any sci-fi/fantasy TV fan knows James, or Spike more specifically. He's the person I met the most and will continue to stalk follow for the significant future. He is incredibly personable, always has time for the fans and is just an all-round nice and interesting person
Anthony Head. Probably not that well known outside the Buffy fandom (unless, like my mum, you fancied him in the Gold Blend adverts) at first but now he's gone on to do Little Britain he's very well known in the UK. Another really nice guy, even if he was incredibly late at Toronto Trek that time *g*
I tag: