Jun 17, 2010 20:53
- 19:34 We don't care about Jono's CC challenge... GTF Over yourself! #masterchef #
- 19:35 They split Matt & Callum up! #masterchef... That's slightly upsetting... #
- 19:38 Go AWAY Neil Perry! You're more annoying than Matt and George! #masterchef #
- 19:39 Matt, we get it, you got to elimination if you screw up. GET OVER IT! #masterchef #
- 19:40 Joanne, shut up. No-one likes you. And the serial killer has charge of a team... I think I'm gonna cry! #masterchef #
- 19:41 Oh and no bromance tonight, either! *cries* I dunno if I can su rvive a #masterchef episode without Matthew/Callum #
- 19:42 @ squashblender same... #
- 19:43 God-damn it, the ads are annoying... Get on with #masterchef... #
- 19:45 Oh, and if Matthew or Callum go in elimination... I will cry, and will stop watching #masterchef #
- 19:46 *joanne gets packaged something... Stares at it for ten minutes and trying to figure out what it is* #masterchef #
- 19:49 Shut up with your puns and hyperbole, Gary! #masterchef #
- 19:50 Joanne, please take your own advice. #masterchef #
- 19:51 Hurry up, Callum! I don't want him to go into elimination on the back of this... #masterchef #
- 19:56 We're back! Tell me why Matt and Callum are on desserts, *cough* #masterchef #
- 19:56 FAIL Matthew! #masterchef #
- 19:58 Still torn between #redteam and #blueteam... I don't want to see Matthew or Callum to go home! #masterchef #
- 20:00 Neil Perry is annoying me... #masterchef #
- 20:01 EPIC FAIL Claire and Alvin (e ven though I love him)! #masterchef... You're supposed to get that right... #
- 20:02 Oh, where's George? #masterchef #
- 20:05 Awwww, Matthew! *hugs* ... #masterchef #
- 20:06 THAT GODAMN HANDEE-ULTRA AD! #masterchef *pissed off* #
- 20:08 Oh, he is so irritating! CEO of Quantas is so infuriating #masterchef #
- 20:09 Go away Joanne, please... #masterchef #
- 20:12 I am going to chop that stupid pony tail off of Neil Perry's head #masterchef #
- 20:14 Callum, please... Get it right this time... I don't think you can handle another elmination... #masterchef #
- 20:17 And I'm still torn... Both the boys making dessert... ♥ #masterchef #
- 20:20 She is so ANNOYING... GTFO Joanne #masterchef #
- 20:22 Hmm... What concerns me, is that no-one considered the vegetarians. #masterchef #
- 20:22 Joanne, I swear... #masterchef #
- 20:23 Aw! Callum! *hugs*... Wait, Matthew should be there *backs off* #masterchef #
- 20:24 Can the fish-mouth or the serial killer please exit stage right? #masterchef #
- 20:27 Claire irritates me. Please leave, now. #masterchef #
- 20:30 Am I the only one who's wondering what will happen to the "best mates" Matthew and Callum if one of them goes home? #masterchef #
- 20:31 Callum survives, however, we are still stuck with fish-face... #masterchef #
- 20:32 Serial killer is so gone. His smugness will be his undoing #masterchef #
- 20:33 Whinge, winge, winge, Claire! Get over yourself! #masterchef #
- 20:34 @ JenMelb They bug me both, it;s just that Joanne gets more air-time. #
- 20:36 Matthew is NOT going tomorrow night! I will cry. #masterchef #
- 20:41 @ oberonsghost can she please exit stage right? She's so annoying! #
- 07:58 @ abbeeey32 We all know that it'll happen sooner all later #masterchef #
- 07:59 I don't want to go to the HTA study days... I'd rather sleep #sleepdeprived #
- 15:32 @abbeeey32 Aren't they just? *sigh* #masterchef. #
- 15:34 #fdyii8 bit.ly/dmPTUK A tiny part of me wants to read the article... Don't tell who goes, though... #
- 15:50 Prediction for tonight... Jono screws up. And leaves. #masterchef #
- 15:57 @ thunder_67au I honestly think think that Matt's safe (he's survived many eliminations and works well under pressure) #
- 15:58 @ miss_moo Or Jonathan... #
- 16:10 @peterjblack Okay, I think someone DOES know, but they aren't telling for whatever reason #masterchef #
- 16:11 @ thunder_67au I'm sort of... Torn. Half of me doesn't want to know, and half of me does... #
- 16:14 @ thunder_67au Okay... Although, I'm curious to know who you think are safe... #
- 16:18 @ thunder_67au Interesting... I think Jono's luck has run out, personally. #
- 16:21 @ thunder_67au Hmm... Yeah, good point... Although, the fa ct that it leaked says something... #
- 16:23 @ thunder_67au I don't want Alvin or Matt (though Matt's probably safe) to go! Those two, plus Callum are my favourites #
- 16:24 @ thunder_67au Oh yeah. You read the article from SMH, I'm guessing? #
- 16:29 @ thunder_67au I think pretty much everyone would prefer Jono went... But if it's not to be... #
- 16:32 @ thunder_67au I know... Although, I'm convinced, based on the last elimination, that they aren't going to split Matt an d Callum up... #
- 16:37 @ thunder_67au Well, the Matt/Callum bromance causes much speculation, and this is free publicity for the show... #
- 16:41 @ thunder_67au Maybe they'll do a double elimination, and they'll get eliminated together. I'm on the bandwagon, by the way. :) #
- 17:04 @ thunder_67au Yep, and I reckon we could overload Twitter with speculation. :) #
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