first job: Outback Steakhouse
First school: La Petite, if that counts. My first school to get kicked out of too hahaha!
First funeral: one of my neighbors that i thought was my aunt when i was little.
First pet: old dog
First piercing/tattoo: none
Firstcreditcard: none
First kiss: Susan Ferrante hahahaha
First love: my mommy and daddy
First enemy: some kid in 3rd grade, don't remember his name though.
First big trip: California, a longgggggggtime ago
First concert: Creed hahahaha
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Marvin Gaye
Last car ride: From erin's house last night
Last kiss: Kacey, last night as well
Last library book checked out: I think, Tommyknockers by Stephen King
Last beverage drank: Gatorade
Last food consumed: Chicken!
Last phone call: Kacey
Last time brushed teeth: this morning
Last CD played: some mix cd
Last person talked to: David
Last soda drank: MOuntain Lightning at erin's
Last ice cream eaten: no damn clue
Last time scolded: yesterday, by mom as usual
Last jewlery worn: some necklace at Brandon's
Full name: Thomas Henry Sands III
Astrological sign: i don't know
Pets: Misty and Magic (my pussies)
First thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: my hand hurts
What were you like as a child: annoying as hell, Fuck Authority haha
What did you want to be when you grew up: Can't remember
What do you want to be now: something in music or filming
How many cars have you had: 1
How many boy/girl friends have you had: i don't know
How many people have you kissed: i don't know, not more than 5 or 6
How family oriented are you: i dunno
Last thing you thought about before going to sleep last night: I wish my hand would stop hurting
Saw a movie: today
Told someone you loved him or her: friday to my mommy
Hugged: Kacey
Were sick: sometime when i was playing dodgeball still haha
Smiled: today
Bought something: gum, last week
Danced: last night
Had a nightmare: no clue
Did something illegal: when i was in atlanta
Been in love: yes
Drank: yes
Smoked: nope
Kissed the same sex: yes, not in a sensual way haha
Play an instrument: my throat
Believe there is life on other planets: no
Read the newspaper: sometimes
Have any gay or lesbian or bi friends: yes
Believe in miracles: yep
Believe in astrology: ?
Collect anything: dvd's
Have a best friend or best friends: best friends
Wish on stars: i have a couple times
Like your handwriting: i dont care
Have any bad habits: i can't do homework or study
Been toilet papering: yes
Been to a foreign country: no
Been in a car accident: yes
Something that I'm deathly afraid of: big spiders and heights
Do you believe in love: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: maybe
Do you believe in forgiveness: yeah
What are some of your favorite pig out foods: anything tasty. like chicken or boobs haha
What's something you wish you could understand better: that Brian Robbins kid haha (Bobby)
First best friend: a black boy named Leroy at La Petite
First car: Taurus
First date: don't remember
First break-up: freshman year
First screen name: him27x
First self purchased album: everclear or backstreet boys can't remmeber which
What is in your cd player: a mix cd
What color socks are you wearing: none
What Color of underwear are you wearing: blue b-ball shorts
What's under your bed?: a bunch of shit
What time did you wake up today: 11'ish
Where do you want to go: heaven
What is your career going to be: something fun
Where are you going to live: no clue
How many kids do you want: i dunno, more than 1 most likely
What kind of car(s): dont care
Current mood: content
Current music: Barry White
Current taste: none
Current hair: brown with bangs
Current clothes: b-ball shorts
Current annoyance(s): nothing at the moment
Current longing: Kacey
Current desktop: picture of fall
Current hate: danny hassel
I may seem: funny
But I'm really: sensitive
Sometimes I feel: horny
In the morning I: shower
If I could be doing anything right now I would: be with my friends
Money is: green
One thing I wish I had is: a one-hundred dollar bill in my wallet
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: a hurt hand and school tommorrow
All I need is: FUN
If I had one wish it would be: to have fun every second
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: be blinded
If a demon crashed into my window I would: tell it to fuck itself
If I could see one person right now it would be: Kacey
Something I want but I don't really need are: food every second of the day haha
Something I need but I don't really want is: to study more in school
I live for: my friends and fun
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
- more money
- better grades
-some burger king
- the ability to fly
Name Four Scents You Love:
- curve
- girl scents
-the smell when clothes come out of the dryer
Name Four People You Know Best:
- eric
Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
- brukinstocks
- a shirt that actually fit
- baggy jeans
- a jean jacket
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
- how annoying my mom is
- Kacey
- how much fun last night was
- my hand
Name Four Things You Did Today:
- watched movies
- ate lots of food
- took lots of Bayer
- was lazy
Name Four Things You Bought Recently:
- clothes
- food
-PA speakers, well my dad bought them for me
Name Four People You Would Like To Spend More Time With:
- Kacey
Name Four Bands/Groups/Singers Most People Don't Know You Like:
- Barry White
- Tim McGraw
- Usher
Name Four Places You Want To Visit Before You Die (Be fairly specific):
- Germany