Title: The Awkward Social Experiment (1) Author: Phantmgreeneyes Team: The Geeks Word Count: 100 Fandom: BBT Characters/Pairings: group Rating/Warnings: none Author's Notes:none
And the show is RAMPANT with Sheldon/Penny hints, isn't it? If you think this place is bad, you should come over to sheldon_penny. It's like a treasure trove.
I love it. The little throw in of Raj/Howard? "Pretend he's a hot girl"...LOL. Loved it.
A lot of the BBT writers here are from over at Sheldon/Penny, so you will know a few people already! We have epic fun and lots of fic. I'm sure you will have lots of fun and will feel right at home.
We would love to have you write for us! Please? -puppy face-
Comments 8
I love it. The little throw in of Raj/Howard? "Pretend he's a hot girl"...LOL. Loved it.
I am liking the penny/sheldon one more and more though! Certainly more entertaining to write than Penny/Leonard.
A lot of the BBT writers here are from over at Sheldon/Penny, so you will know a few people already! We have epic fun and lots of fic. I'm sure you will have lots of fun and will feel right at home.
We would love to have you write for us! Please? -puppy face-
i'm more of a leo/penny myself, but i looove sheldon
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