Starting with the easy ones.
What is your name?: *Kristen*
What is your quest?: hmm to have a quest haha
What is your favorite color?: hot pink, yellow, orange
What is the capital of Assyria?: is that even such a place?
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?: wtf?
Would you expect the Spanish Inquisition?: um /?
Do you think that the Spanish Inquisition had nice red uniforms?: wats that?!
Tell me more about yourself...
What color eyes do you have?: green with gold circles around my pupils :) they're perdy
What color is your hair?: its kinda a dirty blonde right now .. but im going back to super blonde lol
Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, describe.: all the time!
Any piercings? If yes, how many and where?: yea, 4 all on ears
Do you wear glasses?: yah - but i wear contacts
Is there a piece of jewelry or an accessory that you always wear? Describe.: um yah anklets, and my lee brevards and then my rings and bracelets and necklaces lol
Describe your normal outfits for everyday wear.: usually a skirt and a top from usually abercrombie and fitch lol
Do you ever "dress up" when not required to?: sometimes its fun to get all dressed up :)
What would you not be caught dead in?: ohh goodness.. like gothic clothes or some weird thing lol
Do you get manicures/pedicures?: all the time actually i need one right now!
Do you wash your face every night?: of course
Have acne?: nope .. i get my one pimple a month that i hate!
How about allergies? If so, what are you allergic to?: yah - so many .. seasonal, cats, watermelon, bananas, seafood, etc
Do you have a job? If so, what is it?: yeah pump it up
Do you play any instruments? Which one(s)?: um no i dont sry
Do you plan on going to college/university/grad school?: of course
Where do you eventually want to live?: san diego, california
Have any pets?: yah but we dont consider her a pet .. shes a family member!!
Do you read books for pleasure, or only when required?: both
Are you a movie watcher?:of course
What do you watch on TV?: uh huh
Relationships and You
Are you currently dating someone? (If so, what's their name?): Shoot i wish!
Have you ever dated before?: not really -
Are you in love now?: nope
Have you ever been in love?:nope
Are you in lust/have ever been in lust?: yah, and yah
Have you ever wanted someone so bad it hurt?: yes .. right now
Ever had a crush on someone? Who?: who hasnt .. too many to name ~ right now .. the one i cant have
Ever had a crush on someone you knew you didn't have a chance with?: RIGHT NOW
Anyone ever had a crush on you?: yeah
When was your first kiss? How old were you?: like 13
Have you ever used someone?: nope
Have you been used?: i think so
Ever had a one-night stand?: um no
Ever loved someone, and then regretted it later on?: nope
Ever promised sexual favors to someone?: aha nope
Ever propositioned someone?: um no
Have you ever picked someone up at a bar?: um i dont go to bars
Ever hit on a stranger of the opposite sex?: yes - thats josh .. but now we're friends..
Ever hit on a stranger of the same sex?: um no
Ever hit on someone you knew of the opposite sex?: yeah
Ever hit on someone you knew of the same sex?: nope
Ever gotten drunk and done sexual activities with someone?: um nope
Ever woken up in a strange bed next to someone you didn't know?: oh of course .. NOT
Ever woken up in a strange bed next to someone you did know? (Oopsies.): um nope
Ever made out with a complete stranger?: nope ew
Ever made out with just a friend?: ya
Ever made out, period?: ya
Have you had sex? (If not, type "VIRGIN"): ViRgIn lol
Do you only allow "above the waist petting"?: dont relly know
What's your stand on sex before marriage?: go for it
What do you think of same-sex marriages?: you love who you love
What's your opinion on bisexuals?: um - weird
Ever made out with someone of the same sex?: no
Ever had a threesome?: ew
Sex: procreation or recreation?: wtf
Ever plan to get married?: of course
Is divorce an option?: well im not married lol
Full-fledged ceremony or Vegas-style wedding?: full fledged
These are a few of your favorite things...
Song:: vindicated ~ dashboard confessional
Musical group:: yellowcard
Video Game:: old school super mario brothers
Computer Game:: dont ahve one
Place on the internet:: shoppin stuff
Way to spend your time:: shop or dance/pom
Article of clothing:: skirts
Time of day:: night
Type of cuisine (Chinese, Thai, French, etc.):: italian
Vegetable:: carrots or celery
Fruit:: strawberries and peaches
Drink:: water
Alcoholic beverage (straight):: dont drink
Cocktail/mixed drink:: shirley temples haha
Food dish:: wtf>
Fish:: um those pretty tropical ones
Dog Breed:: Maltese just like lexi!
Cat Breed:: dont really like cats
Cartoon:: nemo
Book:: east of eden
Play:: mama mia
Flower:: roses or tulips or sunflowers
Dessert:: hmm? birthday cake haha
Tree:: cuz im a tree hugger and all ..
Animal:: puppies!
Mythic Creature:: ??
Author:: dont really have one
Person::Kimmy! haha
Actor:: Will Ferell
Actress:: Reese Witherspoon or Kate Boseworth
Type of Car:: HuMMeR ~ but the car im getting i love .. 2005 Jeep Liberty Limited w/ Beige Leather and 17" chrome rims lol
Music genre:: um whatever
Musical instrument:: i dunno! haha guitar i guess?
Composer (Strauss, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.):: dont ahve one
Character (from movies, books, whatever):: ------
This or That?
Burger King or McDonalds?: neither
Coke or Pepsi?: diet coke
Sprite or Sierra Mist?:diet sprite lol
Mug Rootbeer or Barqs?: whatevr? lol
Mello Yello or Mt. Dew?: neither yuck
Budweiser or Miller?: wouldnt know
Day or Night?:night
White or Black?: white
Silver or Gold?: platnium
Death or Life?: life obviously
Heaven or Hell?: heaven
Summer or Winter?: summer
Spring or Fall?: spring
Weekdays or Weekends?: weekends
Horse or Pony?: Pony
Democratic State or Republic?: huh?
Government or Anarchy?: huh?
Disestablishmentarian or Antidisestablishmentarian?:huh?
Anime or cartoons?: huh?
Japan or China?:??
USA or UK?: usa
Ireland or Scotland?: ??
Shoes or Sandals?:FlipFlops
Happy or Sad?: HAPPY
Manic or Depressive?: ?
Obsessive or Compulsive?:?
Schizophrenic or Psychotic?:?
Pants or Shorts?: Pants
Belt or no Belt?: depends
Tastes great or less filling?: huh?
Bagels or English Muffins?: bagels
Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kremes?: ew makes me sick
Swords or Guns?: netiehr
Tea or coffee?: tea
Starbucks or individually-owned & operated cafes?: starbucks
Hotmail or Yahoo?: ?
Weblogs or Webjournals?:journals
Digital or Film (photos)?: film
Too hot or too cold?: too cold
Humid or dry?: dry
Beach or mountains?:*BEACH*
Apartment or big house?: big house
Orchestra or Wind Band?: >
Guitar or Bass?: ??
Just random questions...
If you could instantly master another language, what would it be?: spanish
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?: san diego, california
If you could be any animal, what would that be?: >
Pick a random word and write it down.: Bawk
What does that word mean?: i dunno like a duck makes the noise lol
What political party do you affiliate yourself with?: what>?
What religion do you belong to/practice?:catholic
Do you enjoy filling out long, pointless, random surveys?: if im extremely bored
How about taking internet quizzes?: ?
Do you have a weblog/internet journal?: yea
Do you stalk anyone?: um no
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?: >>
What program do you use to listen to music?: winmx
Do you download music illegally?:haha yah sh
What's your stance on emoticons? ;) ... ^.^: sure lol
Ever sit down and work on a large ASCII art project?: um no
What do you see here? (>^_^)> <(^_^)> <(^_^<): a face
How about here? =^.^=: a face
What's your deepest darkest secret?: it wouldnt be a secret if i shared lol
Do you have very vivid and intense dreams?: yes
Would Freud have a field day with you?: huh?
Did you recognize the Monty Python references at the start of this survey?: uh no
Were they lame?: yah
Do you love me?: ?
Are you sick of typing by this point?: ya
Are these questions becoming more and more inane?: ya
Do you use AIM or YIM or any other instant messaging program?:ya
How much time, on average, do you spend online per day?: ??
Per week?: ?
Ever done/tried drugs?:nope
Are you ready to do drugs after this survey?:never
Should I end it now?: sure
Well, are you sure?: yurp
How annoying was this, on a scale from 1 (not annoying) to 10 (annoying)?: