[Oneshot] Name

Jul 11, 2010 15:43

Title: Name
Author: hime_lian92
Pairing: HoSu, hint of JaeMin
Length: Oneshot
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warning: Character death, Unbetaed
Disclaimer: If I own them, I'll be the happiest girl in the world.. no universe!
Summary: Junsu was trying to find that name.

A/N: I was too stressed out studying and decided to write this oneshot instead. XD I hope you like it! Comments are loved~! <3

It was raining. The sky had turned grey although it was morning. Jaejoong found Junsu sitting on a bench in a park with his knees on his chest. He circled his arms around his legs and rock his body back and forth. Jaejoong saw Junsu’s body trembled because of cold. Jaejoong walked to him quietly. “Su?”

Junsu didn’t lift his head. He buried his face deeper on his knees and mumbled some incoherent words.

Jaejoong tried to lift Junsu’s face only to be slapped away by Junsu. Junsu raised his face to glare at Jaejoong. Jaejoong was startled when he saw bloodshot eyes on Junsu’s eyes. “Su, are you-”

“Fuck off.” Came Junsu’s harsh reply.

Hearing that kind of reply from his dongsaeng’s mouth made his heart shattered into pieces. Jaejoong knew of course, how sad and miserable Junsu is feeling right now. But he can’t let Junsu to torture himself. He reached for the younger guy again.”Su, let’s go home.”

“That’s not home.” Junsu said, coldly. He continued glaring at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong’s heart broke seeing the once cheerful, mood maker of the group and warm member became such a person like this.

He decided it was best to let Junsu alone. At least for a while. He took off his jacket and covered Junsu with it. Junsu didn’t move, only bury his head again to his knees. Jaejoong looked down at Junsu. “I’ll leave this umbrella here. Use it when you’re going home later.”

After a few minutes that seems like hours for Junsu, he looked up. It was cold. The rain was cold. He looked to his right and saw an umbrella. He took it and opened it. He traced his finger on the metal and teared up when he saw the words written on it.

Forever. You&I.

Junsu blinked. There’s supposed to be another word after that. Their name. He turned the metal around and felt as if his heart almost stop beating. It’s fading. The name of the love of his life is fading. His name was the only one left. Why? Why was it fading away?

Junsu ran to the apartment, not bothering to use the umbrella. Jaejoong’s jacket was left on the park, but he could care less. He didn’t even think of using the elevator when he arrived there. He ran using the stairs to level 11.

He harshly opened the door open and ran to his members in the living room. He didn’t even care about the shocked expression one each members faces.

“Where the fuck is his name?!”

The members who were sitting on the couch startled by Junsu’s yell. Jaejoong got up from his lover embrace and walked to Junsu.

“What are you talking about, Su?” He put his hand on Junsu’s shoulder.

Junsu jerked Jaejoong’s hand away. “Where is his name?! Where is it?! Why is his name gone?! Did you erase it?!” Junsu yelled like an insane person to each of his members’ face.

The rest sighed and looked at Junsu in pity. Pity? Junsu didn’t any of it. He grunted and walked over to their working desk to find a marker pen. His hands roamed around drawer.

“Fuck. Where is it? Why can’t I find it when I need one?!” He cursed. He threw everything on the table away. His tears are threatening to fall. “Why? Why can’t I find it?” He asked to no one in particular.

Seeing the state of his member, Jaejoong couldn’t help but cried along with him. The other members cried too. Jaejoong pulled Junsu into his embrace and rubbed circles on his back. “Let it out, Su. Let everything out.” He said to the younger man. Junsu broke into tears on Jaejoong’s chest.

After hours of crying, Junsu finally fell asleep. Jaejoong carried Junsu to sleep in his room. Jaejoong came back to the living room and sat beside his lover.

“I can’t let Junsu become like this everytime he remembers about him.”

Yoochun sighed. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and lean his head against the oldest member’s shoulder. “I wonder when will he remembers that he is dead? It’s been fucking months since he’s dead.” He whispered.

Jaejoong looked at Yoochun’s expression and turned to his lover. “It’s hurting us too to see our Junsu breaking apart like this. Every morning, he would ask us where is him. Then, when we showed him the article, he would run to the park and cried his heart out just like the first time we heard the news.”

Changmin sighed and stroked Jaejoong’s hair softly. “We can’t do anything, Jae.” He let out a tear when he saw the umbrella on the table. “It’s HoSu, right?”

Jaejoong looked up and titled his head in confusion. “What is it?”

Changmin pointed to the umbrella on the table. “The name that Junsu’s trying to find.”

Jaejoong smiled and nodded. He took the umbrella and opened it. He smiled sadly when he traced his fingers on the metal. He took a marker pen and wrote on it.

Forever. You&I. HoSu. Yunho&Junsu.

pairing: hosu, pairing: jaemin, length: oneshot, fanfic

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