Choices & Regrets [Two]

Mar 22, 2011 23:56

Title: Choices & Regrets
Author: hime-lian92
Pairings: YunJae, JaeSu, YooMin
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
Rating: PG
Beta: motubunu7
Warning: M-preg, uke!JaeMin
Disclaimer: The plot is 100% mine, not the characters
Summary: I made the wrong choice and I'm regretting it.
A/N: The story is from Jaejoong's POV. Comments are loved ♥


Turning around the corner, I saw a glimpse of black and white and smiled. "JaeHyun noona!"

With a black and white checkered shirt on, my noona turned to me, with a sweet smile painted on her face. "Hi, Joongie. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Buying snacks for tomorrow's field trip." I lifted up the plastic bags in my hand.

She nodded. "You are going with North University, aren't you?"

"Yeah, since we're going to the same place."

"Well, I hope you'll have nice memory of it then."

I nodded and flashed JaeHyun noona a wide smile. "Will do. Thanks."


I walked inside our house with JaeHyun noona when I heard my mom call me from the kitchen. "Noona, I'm going first, kay?"

After receiving her nod, I rushed to the kitchen to find my mom baking cakes.

"Hi, mom."

She turned to me, wearing an apron around her body. "Hi, dear. Oh, do you mind to take the cake out from the oven for me?"

I shook my head as a no and proceeded to do just as my mom told me to. Then suddenly, she called my name and gestured at the envelope on the kitchen counter. "You have a letter from some Jung Yunho. Who is that? Your friend?"

I gasped and squealed like a girl. "No way! Why didn't you tell me sooner? Mom, I'm going to my room!" I said as I snatched the envelope from the counter.

As soon as I closed the door behind me, my grin turned even wider, if it was possible. Oh my God! He replied!
I tore the envelope, careful not to tear the content inside.

'Dear Kim Jaejoong. Hi, nice to meet you. It was great to receive a letter from you. As you know, my name is Yunho so please call me by name. You know, you're the first person who have written to me after I posted my name on the magazine. Are you a college student? How old are you? Oh, by the way, I attached a photo of myself in this letter. Please send me one of yours too, if you don't mind that is. Hoping to receive your reply soon. Yours truly, Yunho.'

Without wasting any other minute, I quickly replied his letter and the smile never once left my face as I stared at Yunho's photo.


“You know, for some reason, I noticed that your smile has never left your face even for a minute today.”

Changmin's statement startled me. "Huh? What the hell are you talking about?"

We're now at a botanical garden. After meeting some students from North University, we proceeded to the garden while getting to know each other better. I was taking a break under a big tree, when Changmin come and he had to ruin it for me.

He glanced at me, suspiciously as if I was hiding something from him. Oh, wait. I WAS hiding something from him, indeed.

"Did he reply to you?"

I stammered, "W-who?"

He gave me a look then whispered into my ears. "Your pen pal. Duh."

I was surprised-no, shocked. How did he know that I was happy due to that penpal thing?

"Well, how did you know I sent one?" I asked, avoiding his curious glances.

He had THAT disgusting look on his face again when I said that to him. "Duh, how long do you think I've known you for, genius?"

I gave up, I could never truly win against him when he’s already like that. "Yes, he replied to me last night after 10 days of waiting." I answered.

He made a victory sign in front of my face. His face gave an I-knew-it look. I felt like wiping that grin off his face. "Hey, what's his name?"

"Jung Yunho."


"Kim Jaejoong!"

I got startled. Gosh, I really needed to stop day dreaming. I stood up and glanced at my teacher. "Yes, songsaengnim?"

"I asked you to solve the problem on the board for me, but you weren't even listening! Now get up here!"

I gulped. Dang.
I walked up slowly to the board, cursed under my breath when I heard Changmin snicker behind me.


"No, no, no! Forgive me, your highness Kim Jaejoong!" The Almighty Shim Changmin begged for forgiveness from me?! I threw a smirk at him while keeping my hands on his precious, soft and fluffy meat bun. Now, now, The almighty Shim Changmin wasn't so mighty after all.

"And why should I do that?" I questioned him.

He stared at me using his infamous puppy look. "Because I'm cute?" he blinked at me. The sight made me want to puke.

"Wrong answer. Try again." I said nonchalantly, threatening him by taking his bun near my mouth. I opened my mouth, as to make it look like I wanted to take a bite of it.

"Shit, okay okay! Because it's wrong to laugh at Kim Jaejoong! Happy?" he exclaimed, frustrated. I swore I could see tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

I held back my laughter as I gave him back his meat bun and saw him hugging it dearly.

So, after the incident with my teacher this afternoon, as soon as the school ended, I confronted Changmin for laughing at me. Now he knew the consequences when messing with me.

"Jae, your birthday is coming soon, isn't it?" I nodded, so he continued. "You're planning to have a birthday party, aren't you?" again, I nodded. "Do you want to invite North University’s sunbaes that we met last time?"

I shrugged. "Do you think I should?"

He nodded, while taking a bite of his meat bun that I returned back to him. "I wanted to meet someone."

I stood up abruptly from my chair, almost knocking down my study table in the process. Oh, did I mention that we're now currently in my room? I must've forgotten to mention it since torturing Changmin is like the rarest opportunity. "Who?!" I exclaimed.

"Someone called Park Yoochun."


It's been a month since Yunnie (Yunho hyung asked me to call him that) and I started writing to each other. We've already gotten so close. I got to know that Yunnie is a senior in university. He's 5 years older than me, but he didn't want me to call him hyung since he told me he wanted me to call him by his nick name. And this writing-letter-to-Jung-Yunho thing is kept secret from my mom, though she found the first reply letter from Yunnie, I just brushed her off, saying that it was actually from Changmin who was playing a prank on me.

And now my birthday is coming in 2 days. Sunbaes from North University were coming and I thought of inviting Yunnie too. So 15 minutes ago I sent him a sms (we exchanged phone numbers after our 3rd letter), but still haven't received any reply. Could it be that he's really busy?

Even though I have known him just for a month now, through letters and sms no less, I feel rather attached to him. He wanted to meet me, but since he was a senior, he was very busy. I couldn't blame him either, though I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

A vibration shook me from my thoughts. I picked up my phone from the table and smiled at the sender on my phone screen.

'I'm really sorry, Joongie-ah. I'll be going back to my hometown that very day, so I can't make it to your party. Sorry. ;_;'

I pouted. No way! He couldn't come! And here I was thinking that we could finally meet. I pushed the reply button. 'When will you be back here?'

After a minute or so, my phone vibrated again.

'I think on the 29th.' (a/n: Jae's bday is on 26th)

My reply was, 'Then, let's meet on the 30th. You're free, right? You have to bring a really big present to make it up to me.'

The reply that came soon after brought a smile to my face.

'Yes! Definitely yes, yes, yes!'


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,” All the guests and my family members sang together the birthday song, especially for the birthday boy today, me. “Happy birthday, dear Jaejoong, happy birthday to you!” They finished the song by shouting wishes at me, and I’m truly grateful.

Changmin turned to me. “Now it’s your turn to blow the candles. But before that, make a wish.”

I nodded. I closed my eyes, raising my hands in front of my chest and made a wish. After doing that, I blew the candles in front of me then followed the claps from people present, after that.

The room was full of people. Even people whom I didn’t know came to my birthday party. I could hardly move around the room, especially wearing this a-size-smaller-than-my-actual-size suit. Okay, this suit was actually rented. It is no secret that my family is not wealthy. For this birthday party, our family had to save up since 3 months ago. It helped a lot knowing that my mom and sisters (and myself, actually) know how to cook and bake. My mom and sisters wanted me to have a memorable 17th birthday party, so they did their best to make it happen.

And so, it happened. Just because I am the youngest, it hurts my heart to see my mom and sisters working so hard to fulfill their promise to me. I didn’t want much; I just wanted to have a birthday party with family and friends. Small one. Not like this.

But since it already happened, what more could I say?

I looked around the room, trying to find Changmin. Then I spotted him talking to a sunbae, so I went over to them.

“Hi. Am I interrupting?”

Both of them turned to me. For a moment there, I thought I saw a disappointed look on Changmin’s face. But I just shrugged it off when I saw Changmin smiling at me. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me.

“Hey, birthday boy! Yoochun sunbae, this is my best friend, Kim Jaejoong. Jae, this is Park Yoochun sunbae.” Changmin introduced us to each other.

‘Oh, so this is Park Yoochun,’ I thought. “Nice to meet you, sunbae.” I said with a smile.

He returned the smile. “Happy birthday, Jaejoong. So you’re now..” he trailed off.

“Seventeen.” Changmin and I chorused together.

Park sunbae chuckled at that. “You guys really are best friends.”

Changmin nodded. “By the way, Yoochun sunbae, you came alone? What about your best friend?”

He shrugged. “He told me he had something to take care of. Well, I did give him your address though. Is that alright?” he asked me.

I glanced at Changmin who was staring at Park sunbae like a girl staring at her crush. This is my first time seeing Changmin react like this to someone other than to food. I gave a nod at Park sunbae saying I didn’t mind.


“I’m beat!” I exclaimed as I plopped down the sofa after the party. My mother and sisters were cleaning up, while I was sitting there doing nothing. I wanted to help them, but they told me not to since I was the birthday boy, and the result was me getting kicked out of the room.

I glanced at my phone. Two missed calls. And both calls were from Yunnie. I wonder what happened.

I pushed call button and waited for the other line to pick up. After a few rings, he picked up.


“Yunnie? Hi, it’s me Jaejoong.” I said. FYI, this is the first time we ever talked through phone. So I was surprised to hear his voice.

“Oh, Joongie. I called you, but I guess you were busy.”

I cursed in my mind because my heart was beating so loud I couldn't even hear Yunnie’s voice. “Ah, yes. The party just ended. It was a pity you didn’t come.”

He chuckled. “Yes, a pity indeed. Oh, by the way..”


“Happy birthday.”

I blushed hearing his voice. His voice is can’t believe I’m saying this, but his voice is so sexy when he said that! “T-thank you.”

“I’ll give you your present when we meet, okay?”

I nodded, but after a while, I realized he couldn’t see it, so I replied quietly. “Okay.”

“Good night, Joongie. Have sweet dreams.”

“Good night, Yunnie.”


I glanced at my watch. Still 10.30. Okay, Kim Jaejoong, calm down.

“Yah, stop looking so nervous like that. It’s only 10.30.”

I glared at Changmin who was sitting next to me on a bench in the park. “Oh shut up. You can never understand how I'm feeling right now.” I retorted.

He chuckled, playing with the end of my hair. “Okay, okay. By the way, didn’t he say he wanted to meet you alone here and at 11?” He said, emphasizing the words ‘alone’ and ‘eleven’.

I looked away from Changmin and glanced around the park. I knew I came too early, but it was because I mistook eleven for ten. And the reason I didn’t come alone was because I was too nervous! I mean, this is my first time meeting Yunnie. Of course I’m nervous as hell. He told me he’ll be wearing a dark blue shirt with same color tight jeans.

Changmin tapped me on the shoulder. “Yah, yah.”

I brushed his hand away. “Shut up.”

He forced me to look at him. “No, look that way.” He pointed at someone who was standing near the fountain. “Isn’t that him?”

I widened my eyes at the person whom Changmin pointed at. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with same colored tight jeans. He’s definitely Jung Yunho aka Yunnie!

I shook Changmin back and forth. “Changmin! What should I do? I’m nervous! Can you just go out there for me?”

Changmin rolled his eyes at my childish attitude. He helped me to stand up and turn my body to the fountain's direction. “Take a deep breath.” I did. “Now, remind yourself who you are meeting.”


“Good.” Then he continued, “Now, go out there and meet that person.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Minnie.” I said before running towards the fountain. I walked slowly when I got nearer to the fountain until I stood in front of that person (Yunnie). “Um, are you Yunho hyung?” I asked.

That person looked up at me (he was sitting), then smiled. “Yes. Joongie, right?”

I smiled, and then nodded. “Did you wait long?”

He stood up, and I realized he was taller than me. “No, but aren’t you early too?”

“Ah, yes.” I blushed shyly.

He suddenly took my hand and dragged me away from the park. “Let’s go. I’ll show you a nice place.”

His hand was big and warm. I felt protected. I nodded as I let myself being dragged away, forgetting about Changmin.


A/N: This chapter was supposed to be in two parts, but whatever, I don't feel like posting twice, so here it is. And also to make up if I can't update soon because I'm very busy with college right now. I'll try to update as soon as I have my free time. But don't worry, I promise I'll finish this story no matter what, so for now, enjoy! :)

pairing: yoomin, length: chaptered, pairing: yunjae, fanfic

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