Title: Friendship is the Greatest Treasure
Written For:
kasumiccRequest written: Harry Potter (fic or art): Luna-centered. I'd like the gang (Harry, Ron, Hermione and others) doing something nice for her, like celebrating her birthday, Christmas or something.
Rating: G
Notes: I hope this is somewhere close to what you wanted! I got sidetracked by work (
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Comments 1
First, thanks for making this prompt in such a lovely way. Luna doesn't get enough attention from the gang, even though she does so much for them and she thinks so highly of them. So it was very nice to have them celebrating her birthday, and one can see she really enjoyed it.
I loved the little details. Like Ron being a party pooper, Mr. Weasley asking for rubber ducks (LOL!), getting gifts even from Hogwarts' teachers! Or Neville getting stuck, and being all nervous giving his gift to Luna, awww ♥
I'm sure this must have been the first of many birthdays to come, for her xD But really, thanks for writing this ♥
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