Title: The Snuggly Duckling Finishing School of Romance
Written For:
abareroFandom: Disney: Tangled
Request Written: Rapunzel/Eugene. Post-movie. Eugene wants to get an extra special gift for Rapunzel, but isn't sure what. Cue hijinks and the Snuggly Duckling Thugs helping out. (gift can be for their land's form of Christmas or her Birthday)
Rating: PG
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Comments 4
THIS IS PERFECT. I honestly am so floored at how perfectly you have captured Flynn's voice for this and I adore that he's narrating it. He's got such a great personality and humor in this, and yes, a big heart there too. You just really capture SO much about him in his narrative of this and I love it. Needless to say, I am beyond excited to see where this is headed because omg- Flynn is such an adoridork in this.
Thank you a million!
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