(Example): Characters/Pairing- Kink/Prompthimym_kink_memeFebruary 13 2012, 03:15:32 UTC
Elaborate on your kink and prompt in the message. Make sure to add if you definitely do /do not want something. A fill doesn't have to match the prompt exactly.
Bonuses (also called +1, +10, etc in some memes) are also allowed. These are not required to be added to a fill.
Ted(or other)>Barney>Robin (or other) - Complicated love
February 13 2012, 06:56:06 UTC
Ted is into Barney who is into Robin who is...into no one/who ever you want or confused over who she is into. If you want to replace the Ted and Robin its fine because it be interesting to see who you came up with but...Barney's kinda my fav. :)
Feel free to make them feel attracted to the other like Barney sorta likes Ted back eventually but I'd like the attraction to at least start like in the subject line and be strongest like that for at least the beginning.
Robin/Ted/Victoria - Ted and Victoria more in love than ever, but there's one problem. Both of them feel drawn to Ted's brunette friend. The solution isn't as complicated as it seems. Season One AU.
Barney/Ted - handcuffs
February 14 2012, 11:59:03 UTC
Barney somehow talks Ted into cuffing himself to... something. Sexy shenanigans ensue. (Would prefer top!Barney, but I'd be happy with either combination!)
Comments 78
Bonuses (also called +1, +10, etc in some memes) are also allowed. These are not required to be added to a fill.
Feel free to make them feel attracted to the other like Barney sorta likes Ted back eventually but I'd like the attraction to at least start like in the subject line and be strongest like that for at least the beginning.
Who ends up with who is up to you.
Bonus- sex.
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