Transcript: Barney's homecoming

Feb 18, 2010 17:05

Barney, Ted and Lily talk. I love you guys.

Ted says:
*checks his watch* What time did you say Marshall gets off work, again?

Lily says:
Not for another hour or two.

Ted says:
Wow. At this rate we're not going to get to dinner until 9.

Barney says:
*pushes through the door, not bothering to knock* And The Barnacle returns!
*raises both hands and takes a bow*
Did you miss me?

Ted says:
*turns to look at him* Hey! You're back!

Lily says:
*leans on the wall* You've been planning that entrance since you got on the plane, haven't you?

Barney says:
*beams* Yes. Yes I have... *falls on to the couch between them, giving Lil a peck on the cheek*
So c'mon Lil!
The suspense is killing me!!!

Ted says:

Barney says:
*bounces slightly on the cushion*

Lily says:
The name.

Ted says:
Oh right!

Barney says:
Yes! Tell us! Tell us NOW!

Lily says:
Maurissa Lynn.

Barney says:
*looks thoughtful*

Lily says:
*worried* You don't like it?

Barney says:
*holds up a finger* Not so fast, Aldrin. A name is a very important thing.
Gotta get used to it...
*grins* You know, think up nicknames.

Lily says:
*rolls her eyes* Obviously.

Ted says:
Yeah, are you guys going to call her Maurissa, or are you going to use a shortened version?
Like how Ted's short for Theodore.

Barney says:
I vote "Mo".
You can do a lot with Mo.

Ted says:
*wrinkles his nose* No.

Barney says:
Mo No.

Lily says:
Marshall had a friend in junior high called Mo.

Ted says:
Don't call her MO.

Barney says:
Sure. No mo.

Lily says:
A friend who was a guy.

Ted says:
It reminds me of the little robot from WALL-E.

Barney says:
*nods and grins. He's DEFINITELY going to call her Mo now*

Lily says:
Or modus operandi.

Barney says:
Mo money, mo problem.

Lily says:
Mo bitches?

Barney says:
*laughs* Awesome.

Lily says:
*shrugs* I think Rissa's nice.

Barney says:
I like Lynn. Except I had sex with a chick called Lynn once and she... was... the wrong side of the hot/crazy. You know?
But nah, it's a good name.
Not boring
Not pretentious, like Cloud Apple Moonbeam or shiz.

Lily says:
Well, the Lynn part's after Ted, kind of.

Barney says:
Ffff after Ted???

Ted says:
Yeah, because my middle name's Evelyn, dude.

Barney says:
You named Mo after TED?
Hey! Who's the godbro here?

Ted says:
You're not getting /everything./

Barney says:
*waggles his finger at her* You have a boy next, you name him Barney!

Lily says:
Yeah. And you're going to buy her all the cool presents with your disposable income. We had to give Ted something.

Barney says:
*smirks* Like I wasn't gonna do that ANYWAY
You know she's gonna be spoiled like crazy

Lily says:
Yeah, pretty much.
You know she's going to have Marshall wrapped around her finger.

Barney says:
Yeah, all of us I guess...
*smiles, a little sadly*
*looks down at Lily's belly* She's gonna be here real soon, huh?

Lily says:
17 weeks.

Ted says:
Wow. That's not long at all.

Lily says:
*pauses* Holy crap.

Barney says:

Ted says:
You think you're gonna be ready?

Lily says:
Well, there's not much I can do if I'm not. *laughs*

Barney says:
Are you gonna have, like, SO many drugs? Or do it like a natural painful thing?

Lily says:
*without hesitation* Drugs.

Ted says:

Lily says:
Eriksen baby, and everything.

Barney says:

Lily says:
Guys are lucky. They get the fun part, and the girl has to deal with the throwing up and the swollen feet and the childbirth.

Barney says:
*shudders and then points at Ted* I hope you're listening to this dude?
You and you're... wanting to Dad it up, Mosby-style!

Lily says:
*gives Barney a look*

Barney says:

Ted says:
I mean, where do you think kids come from, dude?

Lily says:
The stork?

Barney says:
*shrugs* The stork? Like, in the thing... The clouds..

Lily says:

Barney says:
Baby five! *fives Lily*

Lily says:
*fives back*

Barney says:
And trust me, 'aint NO babies being progenated from THIS awesome! *points to himself* B-,man always plays safe.

Lily says:
What if it breaks?

Ted says:
Yeah, they're not 100%.

Barney says:
*gives them both a look* Way to ruin my mojo, guys.
Anyways! This is about Ted! I mean, Lily!
It's about Lily!
And her bump!
You do realize we're all still gonna think of her as Drizzle for a while don't you?

Lily says:
Yeah, probably.
And I think the accepted term is "baby", not "bump".

Ted says:
Yeah, it's going to take some adjustment.
I thought it was "baby bump".

Barney says:
*points to Lily's breasts* Nope, THOSE are her baby bumps!

Lily says:
You're disgusting. And seriously lucky that Marshall isn't here yet.

Ted says:
Seriously, dude.

Barney says:
*shrugs* Oh come ON! If I didn't- then- you-
*splutters* You know I don't mean- right?
*looks worried*

Lily says:
*rolls her eyes* Whatever. How was BA?

Barney says:
*doesn't say anything*

Ted says:
That bad?

Barney says:
Right. Moving on. So, anything awesome happen while I was away?
*smiles nervously*

Ted says:
*exchanges a worried glance with Lily*

Lily says:
*glances back* Um... I won a Wii Tennis tournament?

Barney says:
Wooo! She's pregant, she's STILL better than Ted!
Way to go Bro!

Ted says:
*shrugs* I was distracted, ok?

Lily says:
By what, how badly you were losing?

Ted says:
Not THAT badly. For the first game.

Barney says:
*slaps his knee* Can't believe I missed this!

Ted says:
Eh. Maybe another time. Marshall'll probably be here soon, so.

Barney says:
*grin* Riiiight... okay. I call wuss.

Ted says:
*rolls his eyes*

Lily says:
*smirks* Nah, I'm not in the mood either.

Barney says:
*sighs* You know, you guys are no fun anymore. I miss-
-going to laser tag.

Lily says:
Hey. There's other laser tag places out there. If you want to give them a try.

Barney says:
Yeah. I know. You just get... comfortable. With the place you know? You know?
And maybe you think if you TRY to join another Laser Tag place, then maybe they'll just kick you out too.
So maybe it's better just not to... play anymore.

Ted says:
But then you're missing out on something completely awesome, and for what?
If they kick you out, then they kick you out. So you just try going somewhere else until you find a laser tag place that accepts how... intense you can be about it.

Lily says:
Yeah. And you think you're comfortable with your old laser tag place, but really you're just sort of hanging out outside until they decide they can let you in for a quick game.
And it's not really good for it, either.

Barney says:
*laughs* Oh trust me, I've learned my lesson on /that/ one, Lil. Not gonna be... hanging out. Again.
*falls silent*

Ted says:
*softly* You deserve somewhere that's gonna treat you better than that.

Barney says:
*nods* I know man. I know.
*shakes himself*
Anyways... I don't got time for no laser tag, bitches!
Because... VIP Store Opening!

Lily says:
You set a date yet?

Barney says:
Well, I was thinking Easter? Because...
Well, it's spring collection season?

Lily says:
Yeah. Who's invited?

Barney says:
*looks uncertain*
Well, James has been talking to the Oscar hopefuls.
We thought we could do some cross-promo stuff
Dress a few of the dudes on the red carpet for free?
*looks from Lily to Ted* You think that's a good move?

Ted says:
Yeah, definitely. It'll get your name out there.

Lily says:
Yeah, with all of the red carpet coverage. It'll be great press.

Ted says:
For sure.
The Oscars are way high-profile.
And if you dress Steve Martin or Alec Baldwin, so much the better.

Barney says:
*eyes light up*

Lily says:
Oh, wow.

Barney says:
We could totally do that. I mean, the hosts always change a bunch of times in those kinds of things
They have, like, a suit to arrive, a couple to present, then something for the after-show parties?
Nah, this is awesome.

Ted says:
Yeah, try talking to their reps or whoever. See if you can supply them with a suit or four. *grins*

Barney says:
*laughs* I'll leave it to James. He knows who to schmooze!
But I think it's gonna be... oooh! What if I can get tickets?
To the oscars?
Worth it?
Or do you think it would be totally lame, having to sit through nine hours of crap?

Ted says:

Lily says:
Well, you can get

Ted says:
Ooh, what if we were seatfillers? You know, taking someone's seat after they leave to accept an award? We could sit with famous people!

Lily says:
*autographs, or something.

Barney says:
*grins* Hey, that would be cool. Because you could totally get on TV like all the time. As the camera pans to Mel Gibson or whoever?

Ted says:
Yeah, exactly.

Lily says:
And then wave like crazy.
Just don't bring a sign with your phone number again.

Barney says:
*grins* C'mon. One magic phone is enough.
So anyways, who's autograph would you get?
If you were at the oscars?
Who would you wanna "seat-filler" next to?

Ted says:
Who's gonna be there this year?

Lily says:
George Clooney. Colin Firth. Possibly sitting between the two of them.

Barney says:
Carey Mulligan! I want Carey's.... autograph. *winks*

Ted says:
Who's Carey Mulligan?

Barney says:
*gets out iPhone*

Lily says:
She's the girl from An Education.

Ted says:
Oh, I never saw that.

Barney says:
Totally. *shows Ted a pic*

Ted says:
*whistles* Nice.

Lily says:

Barney says:
She's cute and kinda has dimples...
*grins down at his phone*
And will you LOOK at that body...

Lily says:
She looks about fifteen.

Barney says:
*snorts* She's, like, twenty-five dude.
Although, Ted, help me out Bro. Penelope Cruz or Maggie Gyllenhaal?

Ted says:
Penelope. Definitely.
Maggie's mine.

Barney says:
*raises an eyebrow* Oh really?

Ted says:
*raises eye brow back* Yeah, really.

Lily says:
And she has a cute brother. I approve.

Barney says:
*coughs* Yeah, well, maybe that's one showbiz door that's kinda slammed shut on James. If you know what I mean?

Lily says:
Oh, right. Totally forgot about that.

Barney says:
*laughs* Yeah, so has most of Hollywood. Thankfully.

Ted says:
See, there's another reason you should stay away from Maggie. Don't want your family to get into another sticky romantic situation with the Gyllenhaals. *shrugs*

Barney says:
Maybe I can get a threesome with Penelope and Salma Hayek...
In autograph form.

Ted says:
Yeah, good luck with that.

Barney says:
Ted! I accept your challenge!

Ted says:
I wasn't challenging you to anything, dude.

Barney says:
Damn! Where's Marshall when I need him. The guy would totally have challenged me.

Lily says:
*looks at her watch* Should be off work soon.

Barney says:
*sighs* I miss working with Marshall.
StinsonBros is cool, sure. But it's not the same, you know?
How's the job going now, Lil?

Lily says:
All right. It's getting more difficult running around after the kids, though.

Barney says:
Hey, you'll be running around after your own rugrat soon enough.

Lily says:
*smiles, wistfully* Yeah.

Ted says:
*smiles as he looks at her expression*

Barney says:
I guess they're less annoying when they're family, right?

Lily says:
They're not annoying. Well, for the most part. Sometimes they bug me.
I still haven't decided whether I'm going back to work after I have the baby or not.

Ted says:
Well, either way, you'll have the summer to figure it out, right?
Driz- Maurissa's going to be three months old by the start of the new school year.

Lily says:
Yeah. But they do like to know ahead of time, so they can find someone to replace me.

Ted says:
Right, that's true.

Barney says:
So how long have you go to decide?

Lily says:
Not sure. My new principal cuts me a lot of slack, for some reason.
I'm sure if the old guy was still around, he'd have expected me to have decided and filled out all of the correct paperwork by now.

Ted says:
Your old principal was a dick.

Lily says:
That he was.

Barney says:
Really was
*sighs, smiling* Glad you got a new one...

Lily says:
*laughs* Yeah. Although we never knew why he got fired. There were some really great rumors going around at the beginning of the year.
Of course, I like to think it's because the school board was shocked that he'd try to fire someone as delightful as me.

Ted says:
That's totally the reason.

Barney says:
*still smiling* Must be it.
But seriously, you're not gonna go back to work, like right after? Are you?

Lily says:
No, not right after. I'm due in June, after all.
But I don't know if I'll go back in September. I probably won't get any extra maternity leave, so I'd have to start at the beginning of the year.

Barney says:
Wow. That's bad.
I mean, GNB weren't exactly the friendliest bank in the- and I guess I should shut up.
Not helping, right?

Lily says:
*shakes her head* It's fine. I might just end up taking the year out.

Ted says:
Yeah, that might be good. Assuming it won't make money too tight for you and Marshall, that is.

Barney says:
I'd say it's a good call, Lil. I know how hard having Sam hit James and Tom. And James was home-working most of the time.

Lily says:
Well, I'll see how it goes.

Barney says:
Okay, *pats both Lily and Ted on the knee* I vote we head down to the bar, grab some food, and Marshall can catch up when he gets here? Deal?

Lily says:
Yeah, I'm starving.

Ted says:
*nods, clapping him on the shoulder* Let's do it.

Barney says:
*grins* It's good to be home.

Ted says:
Good to have you back with us.

ted, barney, lily, transcript

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