So, Barney finally opens up about how he feels about Robin and the BA trip. It starts off with some good-natured bitching, and then Lily gets him to really open up, and it's painful and difficult but she gives him some amazing advice.
Thanks to otempora42, who is a class act.
Subject: I wonder
Barney Stinson February 21 at 10:46pm
Would I sound bitter and twisted if I said that Robin's new stupid Profile stupid picture in stupid South America makes her look like a stupid cold hearted bitch?
If the answer is yes, I totally didn't just say that.
Lily Aldrin February 21 at 10:48pm
To be honest? Yeah, you do. But I think bitter and twisted is part of the relapse package, so it's OK.
Barney Stinson February 21 at 10:50pm
Oh god, it was a relapse wasn't it?
Just goes to show, even the oldest and mangiest of old dogs can be a downright idiot sometimes.
But c'mon, don't I get at least five minutes to hate her? Do I have to be reasonable?
Lily Aldrin February 21 at 10:52pm
I told you they sucked.
Take your five minutes. But you probably shouldn't say anything to her face just yet. If you're going to talk to her about it, you should wait until you've cooled off a little.
Barney Stinson February 21 at 10:58pm
Wow. Lil. No, totally. I'd never-
Maybe I should have been a little more open about what exactly happened between me and Robin down there.
But it kind of... sucks. Things used to be so intense between us, you know? Mainly, probably, from my side, okay. But... anyway, I guess it's hard to finally get that moment of clarity that it's really over. I mean, things between me and Robin have been over for a while, you know that. But I guess I always had this secret part of me that said "what if" and "maybe some day" and that part of me jumped right up when she called me and asked me to fly over and see her.
And then... seeing her. Lil, I got that moment. Of clarity.
It's really over. Like, /really/ over. And I guess there's still some feelings that churn around, like I'm mourning it because I've only just /realized/ it. Like anger and sadness and bitterness.
But it's not Robin's FAULT. Maybe she knew all along. Maybe I'm just a little slow. A lot slow. But I know better than to say anything to her face.
And despite the feelings the churning and the occasional anger, I actually feel good. It's like a relief. Because although it hurts, I know it was necessary. So I'm not always here with the wondering and the what if and the maybe somedays. And maybe I can take the hook out of my cheek and dive back under the waves.
Or something.
It's not a perfect metaphor.
Lily Aldrin February 21 at 11:12pm
So, it's really over between you two.
I have to admit, I'm kind of sad - I wanted you and Robin to work out. But you've been so down lately, and it's good that you can move on. Hopefully without a makeover this time.
What're you going to do now?
Barney Stinson February 21 at 11:16pm
Yeah, it really is. And you know, it's good to know you're sad. Because sometimes back there it felt like everyone thought we were stupid even to give it a try. And that Robin and me were doomed from day one.
I'm now trying to think what kinda makeover I could possibly get? I mean, I literally cannot get any more awesome.
Anyways, what am I doing? Working like a dog (although Charlie does frak all) at the Store. Hooking up with countless faceless nameless bimbos. Business as usual really.
I'm not drinking so much. That's good, right?
Lily Aldrin February 21 at 11:20pm
Well, you could always go goth.
But we never thought that. OK, maybe occasionally we thought that, but for the most part? You're our friends. We wanted to see you happy. And if Marshall and I could have had another couple to hang out with, that would have been a bonus. ;)
Bimbos? /Really/?
Barney Stinson February 21 at 11:28pm
Dude. Goth? With my coloring? Gross.
And yeah, maybe after, like, the third time me and Robin split up, I started to think all our friends had lost faith in us. But it doesn't matter really. It was like we were two planets in orbit, and for one tiny moment last fall we lined up perfectly, and I can honestly say that I was happy. As mawkish as that seems, I was happy, Lil. But then we swung away from each other again, and it's like suddenly I know that. I can trace our path across the heavens and I know that we wouldn't ever align again, not in a thousand years. And that's okay, because we did have the fall, and if nothing else it showed me that it's okay sometimes to take a leap, and I don't have to change everything about myself to get over her.
And dude, you and Marshall will have Ted and Ted's future-Mrs-Mosby soon enough. Don't wish your lives away. ;-)
PS - Bimbos are awesome. For what they /are/. I can't help it if I need a lot of sex to keep me sane.
Lily Aldrin February 21 at 11:33pm
The whole point of being goth is that it doesn't go with your coloring. You're SUPPOSED to look like you've just crawled out of a coffin.
Yeah, I knew you were happy. And you'll always have that happiness. You'll take a lot from your relationship with Robin, I think, and even if it hurts, you'll be better for it in the long run.
You're a good guy. You'll do fine.
Although I would've thought that you'd have figured out by now that bimbos are bad for your soul. That's what I get for my high expectations.
Barney Stinson February 21 at 11:51pm
Yeah, I never really got that. I mean, I've nailed a few chicks who are down with the dark, but... hey, weren't you totally goth when you met Marshall? Hehe, I need to see photos, Lil. Put some on your Facebook?
And HEY - how are Bimbos bad for my soul? Seriously? It's not like I'm even tricking them into sleeping with me anymore. I don't even seem to have to. They're like fish jumping into the boat. Don't even need no line nor bait nor anything.
And so I don't have a girlfriend. Maybe I wanna be picky. Maybe I wanna take my time and know what I'm getting into this time. There's Sophie, but she's like me. She has her dude equivalent. What IS the dude equivalent of a Bimbo, anyways?
Lily Aldrin February 22 at 8:14am
Generally speaking, you're supposed to like the people you sleep with. Don't you enjoy it more when you have sex with someone you have a connection with, and not just some random? I'm not saying you have to have a girlfriend right away, and you should be picky, but maybe try dating?
Barney Stinson February 22 at 3:20pm
Well, no. Sex is sex. Enjoying sex is the same, even if it's with a horrible person. I mean, it's not like I don't understand what you're saying Lil. All the other stuff, the stuff around the sex - like with the talking and the cuddling and the just being there, that's stuff I can only do with a person I've got a connection to. And yes, I guess that stuff is /nice/. But sex? It's possible to have awesome sex with a girl who's got less intelligence than my espresso machine.
And so that's my problem right there. I like sex. I'm good at sex. And I'm not sure I want the other stuff right now. Okay, maybe I /do/ miss the other stuff. A little. Sometimes. But you've got to completely trust someone and... what's the point? Everybody screws you over. I mean, unless you're one of the 0.0000002% of incredibly lucky people like you and Marshall.
Even Ted's given up on the dating thing right now. What chance have I got?
I'm not saying never, Lil. But right now I guess I'm just licking my wounds. Or something.
Lily Aldrin February 24 at 3:51pm
Yeah, I guess I understand. And I get that it'll take time. But when things were good, you were so happy with Robin. If you can find someone who makes you happy like that, isn't it worth it?
But I am lucky. I know I am. Even if Marshall and I have had our problems, we're happy. So maybe I'm not the best person to ask about this.
Barney Stinson February 24 at 4:03pm
Maybe you're exactly the right person, Lil. Because I'm not sure I believe that there's "the one", the exact person who fits, like there's only ONE person who ever will.
But Robin's the closest I ever got to that. I just think if maybe I keep telling myself I'm not in love with her and that I wanted things to end, then I'll really believe it. Because some days I'm good. Some days it barely hurts at all. And then I'll remember, stupid things, like my birthday last year, and the night she told me she loved me, and how she'd have got swine flu for me, and it all crumbles away.
And you tell me that meaningless sex is bad for the soul, like I'm harming my chances of falling in love again. The truth is, I can't even imagine feeling anything for any other girl like I did for Robin. I'm not even sure I want to go looking for that.
And it scares me.
Because Ted, no matter how many times he's kicked back, he always gets up and goes back for more. Ted's always so SURE that he'll be happy when he finds another girlfriend. And I know he needs me to cheer him on, even if I'm using reverse psychology to do it. I know he'd be happier in a couple.
But I can't picture that for myself.
Maybe I'm only meant for meaningless sex?
Lily Aldrin February 24 at 5:08pm
I kind of have a dilemma here.
You should probably tell Robin how you feel. But I don't want to see you get hurt again, and I definitely don't want to be the one who lines you up to get shot down. I know that love can be painful, but maybe...
No. If you love her that much...
Jeez, this is difficult.
I don't know if there's a "The One". I don't know if soulmates exist, or how many. It's possible to be happy with more than one person. I can't see myself being this happy with anyone other than Marshall, but that doesn't mean I couldn't have been happy with someone different, in some alternate universe. Maybe you'll find someone you love. I can't say for sure it'll happen, but I can't say for sure that it won't.
That's all I can give you.
But you're not unworthy of being loved. You're a good guy, really. You shouldn't resign yourself to a lifetime of bimbos and hookers. Not again. I know you weren't really happy living like that. You deserve better.
Barney Stinson February 24 at 5:19pm
Okay, Lil, so here's the thing. I didn't go out and try to find Robin. Robin just happened to me. Like a virus. She was all I thought about, she's what got me out of my bed (or someone else's bed, what up!) in the morning. With Robin, it was like this deep THING. I didn't even know I could feel that thing. I guess that feeling is love.
But I have never felt it, never before, never for another woman. I certainly don't know how to go looking for it. Honestly, I don't think you do. I mean, you and Marshall didn't go looking for each other, did you? Ted didn't go looking for Stella. Love just happens to you. It's a luck thing, maybe. And I think you've got to be receptive. I don't think love finds it that easy to deal with me.
And the thing with Robin is, I've felt this way about her for two years and she's moved to another country. What reason is there for me to try anything with her now?
When I went to see her, in Argentina, things were weird. Things were exactly like there were way back, a year ago. She could barely look me in the eye let alone have a conversation. She didn't want anything complicated by feelings. And maybe she feels guilty for leaving me, and maybe she loves me, but that doesn't help. She moved away.
You know, I'm gonna tell you something now that I've never told anyone, not even Ted. If the situation was reversed and it was me with the job offer abroad, right then, at that time, I would have turned it down to be with her. I was happy, Lil. I was in love with her. That's... rare. And precious. And I would have put that before everything.
Maybe that makes me a closet romantic. Maybe that makes me everything I hate. But Robin didn't choose me. So what's the point in telling her how I feel?
What's the point, Lil?
In B.A. I tried to find that spark in her, I really did. That spark of love, of /something/, to get back what we had. But I don't know, I think I've really killed it dead. I think it's dead for her, Lil.
Lily Aldrin February 24 at 9:24pm
What's the point?
It's hard to see one, I know. I'm having trouble seeing it. But I suppose the only thing you can take from this is that you once knew what it was like to love, and to be loved in return. So many people never know that, and I believe it makes you a better person.
But sometimes it's hard to see love for what it is, to realize what a gift it is. Sometimes you throw it away, sometimes it slips away without anyone noticing. Sometimes you do just turn around one day and it's gone. Sometimes it's killed, and it's not until you see the blood on your hands that you realize what you've done.
It's not Robin's fault. It's not your fault. That's just the nature of the beast.
But you have your memories. Not nostalgia, not fantasies. What you and Robin had, what was real. No one will be able to take that away from you.
Maybe there is no point. Maybe you'll never fall in love again. Maybe it was all for nothing. But I think that love is an end in itself. It has meaning. And you had that.
Barney Stinson February 25 at 11:54am
Okay, I'm gonna stop you there because this convo is getting way too gloomy.
In the end, there's just no point in agonizing about this. It's like you said - things just end sometimes. It just happens. And I'm in pain, I've admitted it. Picking at the scar isn't going to make it heal any faster.
(speaking of... when Robin invited herself to me and Ted's Laser Tag thing on Facebook today... yes, that felt really weird. But I'm not gonna jump down her throat)
I'm not saying I haven't learned anything from being with Robin. But I'm not sure how to talk to a woman without at least trying to hit on her. And bimbos be the path of least resistance, brah. I guess all my plays are way to sleazy for smart girls to take me seriously.
Lily Aldrin February 25 at 8:04pm
Maybe you could just try being yourself?
Barney Stinson February 25 at 8:10pm
And exactly how do I do that?
Lily Aldrin February 25 at 8:13pm
Um... just be yourself?
There's not exactly much to the concept other than that.
Barney Stinson February 25 at 8:15pm
Hehehe. That's funny.
But seriously. How does that work?
Lily Aldrin February 26 at 8:54am
You just treat them like you don't want anything out of them, other than to spend time with them. Like how you treat me (only you might want to cut down on the boob comments). See how it goes.
Barney Stinson February 26 at 8:58am
See this is where Scherbatsky drove me crazy during our dating thing. I /always/ want something out of a chick! Why would I be with her if I wasn't interested in eventually nailing her? I always have an agenda. All guys always have an agenda. And you think chicks don't know that? I bet it's what keeps them interested in talking to guys.
I don't need another lady Bro, Lil. I've already got plenty of lady friends that I can't have sex with for various reasons. Don't want any more.
To be honest, I don't even know what I do want.