darlingchaos as the proud papa,
otempora42 as the hot mama, and you know, me.
Robin says:
Hey guys. How's the baby? Isn't it weird that you have a baby now?
I just talked to Barney, and we were kind of discussing the possibility of me maybe possibly MAYBE moving back to New York full time instead of 50/50. I mean... I've been jetlagged for eternity. So, question: how much more diaper-changing would this mean for me? I've remained pretty steady at an even "zero diapers," and I don't want to upset the dynamics of my relationship with the kid.
Marshall says:
Hey, Robin.
The baby's sweet, pretty, and perfect in every way. Clearly she can't have gotten too many of my genes. It is pretty weird, I guess, but in a way, it seems pretty normal. Sometimes I feel like I /must/ be babysitting one of my brother's kids, but then she smiles at me, and I realize she's all mine, forever. That's terrifying, and awesome. I think she likes me. And she definitely likes the stuffed duck you mailed her. She keeps trying to chew its sombrero off, so we had to hang it above her crib, and she keeps reaching up and swatting at its feet.
At the rate she's going, by the time you get here, she'll be completely off diapers and graduating college. She's so smart, I kid you not, and I think she's gaining five pounds a day.
But, if you get here quickly enough, you can cuddle her and then hand her off when she starts to smell funny.
To be serious for a moment, you definitely wouldn't upset your relationship with her, or us, if you came back. I think you'd improve it. We all miss you.
Let me know what your plans are, ok? I can come pick you up at the airport if you need a lift.
Lily says:
We're all doing fine, baby included.
And, hey, if it means you moving back to New York full time, you can remain at zero diapers. Although you'll have to work on not grimacing when we hand the baby over to you. It freaks her out.
Robin says:
Hey guys,
Marshall, could you be more of a proud dad? Get that video camera ready for the college graduation, because guess what? I'm pretty sure I'm here to stay. That is, I have to make a few more trips back to Argentina to get my things and put in my last two weeks, but... I'm pretty sure I'm going to be living in New York full time pretty soon.
I mean, your kid needs me to show her how to live.
Did that just sound like Barney?
Anyway. Let's hang out soon. Lil, I'll do my best not to grimace when you hand me Maurissa. But come on, I'm still getting used to the idea that you two procreated.
P.S. Marshall, I may take you up on the airport ride. Cabs are not as cheap as I'd like to believe.