Gintama fanart sites- Rec

Jan 01, 2008 17:33

Ohh I have free time and nothing to do, so I rec some baddass japanese fanart sites! (My computer sucks at reading Kanji/Hiragana/Katakana, so I'm not sure of the name of some of these sites..;;)

Under the cut cause it's a long list

MGK Mostly Gen, Shinsengumi, Yorozuya, 3Z (Ginpachi-sensei), and even a cute Little!Zura-Gin-and-Taksugi pic. THE COLORING IS AWESOME. Also has some Tales of the Abyss stuff.

Wing Mostly HijiOki~ Some really amusing things and great style XD As entretaining comic too.

Kasha GinxHiji and a bit of HijixOki and other pairings. Also has Gen. Cool style. I read one of their Doujinshi I think 8D

Okometsubu Really pretty watercolor stuff. HijiOki, Gen, 3Z stuff.

Kokonoya HijiOki, and some unusual pairings like TakasugixOkita. also has some KondouxOkita and stuff. Amusing comics XD Some OOC stuff too. But it's cute.

I don't know the name ehe; REALLY REALLY RLY RLY cool syle 8D It's mostly Shinsengumi and HijiOki <3 But it does have some non-shinsengumi gen, like Joui boyz and Hattori Zenzou the ninja. Some really funny stuff. CHECK IT~

Ego COOL COLORING. Lots of Kagura, Okita 3Z, and colorfulness <3

EasyPafe Funny comics XD HijiOki and even OkiYama?! amusing stuff. Mostly Shinsengumi~

4th Embrace Looks like PaintChat logs XD mostly HijiOki, some GinHiji and GinOki. OH YEA THERE'S ALSO OKITAxOKITA (rly, as in SougoxSougo, a clone?!). Also a bit of Itou, Kagura and Mitsuba. Also has cute comics <3

Theta95 HijiOki-centric, a bit of GinxShinpachi, 3Z stuff, gen. It's cute and the comics are very very amusing XD

Adashi-noAWESOMEAWESOMESTUFF. Many pairings, gen, like everything. Really pretty art. There's also a series of almost every character shirtless (?!) XD

and that's all for now. POINTLESS POST OVER!!!


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