Crossposting in the hopes that more people viewing will get the word out a little better, my darling heterosexually-impaired lovekitten kwanboa and I have compiled a handy-dandy guide to online life. ^.~
It's like WHOA.. Seriously, it's SO much. THANK YOU. Still not sure what I did to deserve it~ ::tacklecling:: You're TOO awesome. Gonna be up all WEEK watching these~ o_o
Was mildly constructive-in-the-dorky-sense today and designed the first new layout for in over a year. No new content, but I finally cleared out the listings for the dead sites. ^^* Also moved the "yay, I host people!" content to the main index, since they all update WAY more than me
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Spent the day trudging through FFX-2's absolutely PAINFUL 4th Chapter. And then there was that scene-before-chapter-five.. Man. I CRIED. Over a VIDEO GAME. How pathetic am I? xDD
Ishiida [7:42 PM]: And Pocky is NOT the best snack in the world. >. Ishiida [7:42 PM]: ::stab@Suncoast for charging, like, $4 for a SMALL box of plain chocolate
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