Next up, the Ominous Harbinger.
1.) What is the character's full name? Any aliases?
Anatole the Ominous Harbinger. Given name: Anatole Rakowsky. But that's not nearly dramatic enough for a Queen's Assassin, obviously.
2.) Who is their best friend?
Anatole's best friend is generally whoever she feels like harassing most at the moment. It's usually Dillon or the twins.
3.) Favorite color? Food?
Favourite colour is black, favourite food is anything ridiculously spicy or sweet.
4.) What image / color do you associate with character?
Axel from Kingdom Hearts. He served as a good chunk of her inspiration, and her build is a bit similar to his. For colours, white and black, black for her clothes, and white because that's usually what colour her hair is. Most of the time.
5.) What's their sexuality?
Anything. Anatole's only condition is that the person be interesting.
6.) Are they currently in any relationships? Have any crushes? Who do you think would be a good pairing for them?
None so far. Anatole tends to intimidate the hell out of anybody who might approach her, and those that she doesn't intimidate generally wind up fighting her (and thus wind up either dead or utterly defeated, with a few rare exceptions). Not to mention that even when she does find someone who piques her interest, she's generally bored of them within the week.
7.) Worst romantic experience?
There is an incident that involves the twins, attempted matchmaking, and Anatole taking off with the ship. Not saying any more than that. :D
8.) List any odd skills/skills in general that they have.
Being one of the Queen's Assassins, Anatole is a killer of the highest caliber, and as such doesn't actually need to kill since she can just efficiently disable her opponents with, say, a fish hook that happens to be on hand. Or a book. Not that she typically needs to improvise weapons, since the folds of her coat are apparently bottomless and hold every conventional weapon known to man, and a few not-so-conventional. She can also take out three men at once from a sitting position without even getting up.
She's also very good at intimidating the hell out of people, as previously stated and for obvious reasons.
9.) Any quirks or bad habits?
Anatole is lazy, and very casual about fighting when she's prompted into it. She'd rather observe the fun, and won't get involved unless absolutely forced to. She also likes challenging interesting fighters regardless of surrounding circumstances, and that's gotten the crew into trouble on more than one occasion. Plus she ignores her job whenever she can get away with it, but that's common of most of the Assassins, and no one really cares.
Also hates fancy dress parties. Thinks they're boring as all hell.
10.) Last amusing escapade?
Getting stuck in Rutabaga with the twins and Dillon, although that was more of a generally amusing escapade than one specific to her.
11.) Biggest fear? Any insecurities?
Anatole really doesn't fear anything at all. She knows what she can do, and things she can't do are just things that don't interest her. She hates being bored, but she isn't afraid of it.
12.) Biggest fantasy?
To find something really fun that won't ever leave her bored. Since that's filled by travelling with the crew, she's more or less set.
13.) Any secrets?
Anatole doesn't really have secrets so much as she has information that she doesn't feel like telling people, and she frequently changes her mind about the 'feels like' part.
14.) Do you like this character?
I think Anatole's got to be one of my favourite characters on the crew, probably because she's so laid back most of the time and generally only works in her own interests -- luckily for the crew, they happen to be one of those interests, which makes her loyal in her own way. She's very assured of who she is.
15.) What would this character rescue if their house were burning down?
Absolutely nothing. She doesn't have anything in there that couldn't be replaced, and her parents could get out just fine (if her dad needed rescuing, her mom would get him).
16.) What blood type do you think this character is?
Assassin. (Anatole would tell you that it's black. And hey, maybe sometimes it is. It's hard to tell with her.)
17.) What would you want to say to this character?
Can you actually count how many weapons you're carrying on your body?
18.) What do you want to do with this character?
Just play with her more, since I've got her look down. Anatole's fun on her own, but she works best when she's interacting with the crew, since they kind of work as her counterbalance. I also want to try writing or drawing her in a fight.