horror scope

Feb 23, 2005 00:10

Horoscope for Week Beginning: 02/21/2005

The hardest thing to deal with in all Astrology is called a "T-Square"... Use your imagination and try to picture this scene... Imagine 3 friends going out and doin' a little drinkin'... Two of 'em are really big & powerful guys they start feelin' "sorry for themselves" and doin' the "woe is me" bit... That goes on for a while, until they realize nobody is paying any attention to them... Then, the feelin' sorry for themselves starts to turn to feelin' angry & mean. The two big guys starts to fight... Sayin' and doin' things that hurts the other... That doesn't help... It only ends up making themselves feel even worse... So they look to the third friend who's been "staying out of it"... And start puttin' the pressure on the third guy to "sort it all out"... But he even makes it worse.

That should give you a pretty good idea of how this current T-Square we have up there in the Big Sky is working... Saturn & Jupiter are both retro... So they're feelin' downright "sorry for themselves"... Each of them blames the other for causing them to feel the way they do... Jupiter thinks Saturn makes things too difficult for him, and that it's always so much easier for other people... Saturn blames Jupiter for being too lazy to do the things needed to ensure his long term peace, security and happiness. Both of them realize they're at a stalemate... so they both look at Vesta (dedication) and Cupido (personal relationships) and demand those 'Roids find the answer and solve the problem for them.

Trouble is that Vesta & Cupido both realize this is their golden opportunity to make the Saturn & Jupiter pay for the trouble they feel they've caused them over the years... So they do things that even makes it harder for the big guys... They complicate things even more than they already are... Adding more stress and strain to the madness. It would be like having too big brothers suddenly finding themselves at the mercy of their little brothers & sisters who've they've been pickin' on and goofin' with for so long...

Ok... You get the basic idea...
There's a lot of tension and turmoil in this current chart... A lot of time we're going to feel as if our actions are deliberately being "blocked or restricted" by some "outside force"... It's when there can be tensions and difficulty in personal relationships... Expecting too much from their partners, or expecting others to "do it all for them"... Some people tend to get "bossy" and others can suddenly start getting "lazy and slack"... (depending upon whether they respond more to Jupiter or Saturn's energy)... Some might even try to use times like this to "punish others" for past actions... "Make them pay for the way they've treated me"... (that kinda thing)...

I think you can see the serious potential for "High Drama" with chart energy like this... It's for this reason we really need to remain awake, alert and conscious as to what we are doing... Even if we're not personally being affected too much by this transit we must be aware of what others are doing and why.... We need to know what we hope to accomplish with each of our actions... Why we're doing what we're doing in the first place... (still with me?)... If you find any "deeper" hidden agenda's or "past buried feelings" motivating you... Then, that's the time to stop and re-think your actions of they could come back to haunt you for a very long time... The idea here is NOT TO DO the things that can often feel as if they're the "right thing to do at the moment".

T-Squares can be Wonderful!!!
You have to realize the universe doesn't throw this stuff at us because it wants to see us hurt or to see us "squirm"... It causes the tensions to force us to look past our current perspectives and see where we've been blocking the insight and good fortune it's been sending our way... Know what I mean?... You can get all pissed off that the apple you're eating tastes like an apple instead of the orange that you wanted... So you can either "settle" for the apple, or you can get in the car and drive to the store and buy a freakin' orange... hehehe... Ok, that might be over simplistic, but I know you know what I mean fercrissakes...

Sometimes the path we are currently are on isn't capable of bringing us to the location we desire to reach... The universe does everything in it's power to try to "show us signs" of this... But when we get so stubborn that we refuse to see them... It's forced to take radical actions to cause us to "stop, look and listen"... To force us to "change course and direction". That is what's happening to us right now Moondoggies... So keep those "peepers" open and look around... You can't let energy like this kick your ass... Try to see your life and actions "through the eyes of others" and let that be the gauge that determines what actions you take. Seeing beyond this madness will save you months and perhaps years of struggling later on....

Keep the Faith... Better Days and Higher Love are comin' soon...

daniel "whelland" dowd

Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

More than anything you have to realize that the universe is not going to let you get too settled and comfortable in the "ways and means" you go about doing things. The aim here is for personal growth and the universe will stop at nothing to try to pull you out of your ruts and routines. So trust your intuition (that will be quite strong this week) and believe in yourself and you abilities.

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