I'm sure you know, but -- Instructions: Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair - just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with the picture.
When I was thirteen, I started learning how to deprogram myself and reprogram myself. My life's been getting stranger and better ever since and I'm still learning.
Mainly looking for reactions and/or interest here.
I'm thinking it would be a good idea to host a cocktail party, probably late first quarter 2009. Now, the cocktail parties I've been to with my own peers so far in life have been wonderful, but I also wouldn't be afraid to use the term 'chaotic', especially with relation to the quality of
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I figure it might encourage me to work harder if I post occasional updates about how productive my five-days-of-study are being. It may or may not get into the technical realms of evolutionary computation.