Title: All the Stars...
hippiefox Rating: FLUFF, a few sex references XD
Genre: fluff, cheesy romance, bratty Nino
Notes: Nino doesn't want to hike on his birthday....
All the Stars...
It definitely wasn’t how he wanted to spend his birthday night.
His birthday night with Ohno.
Sure, the surprise party was nice and getting free food and presents were always welcome, but what Nino looked forward to most every year was the nighttime presents Ohno always gave him.
After all the guests had left and Ohno and Nino sat exhausted on the couch surrounded by wrapping paper, used plates and cups and gifts, Ohno would always tell Nino to just relax while he cleaned up.
Nino would always somehow manage to fall asleep on the couch and then he would wake up with a blanket thrown over him and his apartment as clean as before the party was hosted. Nino would smile into the couch because he knew what would come next.
Ohno would sense that he was awake and come strolling into the living room pretending like he lost his way to the kitchen again, only to stop and laugh at Nino.
Ohno’s delicate fingers would skate under the blanket and somehow find their way into Nino’s shirt, which of course, Nino would always try to push Ohno away, claiming he’s too sleepy to do anything.
Ohno would laugh at this and manage to sit on top of a squirming Nino, poking his sides until Nino gave in and laughed until he was crying. But then Ohno would stop and touch his lips to Nino’s tears and kiss the trails down to his laughing smile.
Nino would wrap his arms around Ohno’s neck firmly, deepening the kiss that still tasted of cake and beer and pizza. It wasn’t long after that, that Ohno would move his lips down the line of Nino’s neck, the younger tilting his head back as far as he could to give the older unlimited access to anything he wanted.
From there, the rest was like a movie you never got tired of watching.
But this year, Nino didn’t find himself breathless on the bed, floor, couch or kitchen tile. This year, he found himself breathless as he hiked up a long and endless grassy trail up some monstrous hill outside of the city. There was still a party, of course, but almost immediately after the guests had left, Ohno dragged Nino off the couch to help clean up as quickly as possible.
Pouting and grumbling, Nino cleaned up the apartment with Ohno, casting him a dirty look whenever he wasn’t looking.
Something was wrong today, but Nino didn’t know what. He thought about asking Ohno what he did to make him help clean up... but then Nino realized he would sound like Jun if he complained about not being treated like the Prince he was, so he kept his mouth shut.
Next, Ohno dragged Nino to the train station, pleading with Nino to hurry up and stop whining.
"But it’s my birthday, Oh-chan!" Nino cried as Ohno pushed the boy through the train to find a seat before the train started to move.
"Don’t whine, Kazu..." Ohno sighed, starting to feel like the mother across from them as she tried to control her two restless children. Pouting and crossing his arms tightly across his chest, Nino slid down in his seat, resting his feet against the back of the seat in front of him.
Ohno sighed in slight disappointment and watched the people in the train station flash by as the train left the station.
Now, they were in some country side just as the sun was setting behind the horizon. Nino wiped a bit of sweat from his neck as he stomped up the path behind a suddenly energetic Ohno.
"At the very top of this hill is the best place to see it." Ohno smiled, looking back at the disgruntled Nino behind him.
"How much longer? We’ve been climbing for hours." Nino complained, bending over to rest his hands on his knees. Ohno pouted and stopped walking.
"It’s just been a half hour..." Ohno mumbled, clearly distraught that Nino wasn’t enjoying this. Nino lifted his head and his scowl softened when he saw Ohno’s hurt expression. He sighed and knew he had been acting unfair again.
Something was obviously important to Ohno and Nino had managed to spoil it. It wasn’t like Nino didn’t enjoy being with Ohno, it’s just... sweating because you’re walking up a mountain wasn’t as fun as sweating after you’ve eaten left-over cake off each other.
Nino walked up to Ohno and grabbed his hand, pulling him along gently.
"I’m sorry... I won’t be grumpy anymore." Nino apologized with a smile and a quick kiss on Ohno’s temple.
Ohno cracked a lazy smile at Nino and laced their fingers tighter together as they quickened their pace up the dark mountain, side by side.
Once they finally reached the top, Nino discovered an open grassy field with no trees or bushes to be found, only tuffs of thick crabgrass and wildflowers.
Thanks to the rain that fell in the early evening, the grass was still damp and cool, making the two get goose bumps under their light sweaters. The light of the half moon illuminated the dark grass just enough for the two to find someplace to sit and lay down on their backs.
Shivering slightly at the cold temperature the grass gave off, Nino huddled quickly to Ohno’s side and stayed there.
"So... what is it?" Nino asked after a moment of being memorized by Ohno’s gorgeous, moonlit silhouetted face. Ohno turned his head towards Nino and smiled.
"Look." he whispered, raising his eyes to the black velvet sky above them. Nino tore his eyes from Ohno and looked at the diamond sparkled sky stretching for miles and miles.
A shy but knowing smile spread across Nino’s face as he watched the stars twinkle. He waited a moment in the cool and silent atmosphere before speaking again.
"Don’t tell me you bought a star. Those things are way too expensive, you know." Nino whispered and laughed, looking to Ohno again. Ohno laughed, but didn’t turn his head from the sky. Nino smirked and flicked his eyes to the stars again.
"Which one is it, then?" Nino asked, his eyes searching the sky for one that Ohno might have chosen. Ohno moved his eyes to Nino, watching the starlight dance in his eager brown eyes. Ohno held out his hand in front of him and made a big sweeping motion across the night sky.
"All of them." he whispered happily. Nino’s amused smile faded from his face as Ohno’s declaration sank into his mind. He stared up at the sky as a sudden and overwhelming emotion came over him.
Not hearing Nino’s response, Ohno decided to explain a little more.
"I wanted to give you one star... but then..." Ohno’s voice faded away as soft sniffling broke the calm and he found that Nino had rolled over into his chest.
"...we have the whole sky..." Nino managed to mumble into Ohno’s neck, reappearing with a teary smile and quickly wiping his cheeks dry.
Ohno leaned forward and kissed Nino’s forehead softly, pushing their noses together playfully before landing a gentle kiss on Nino’s smiling lips as he became teary himself.
"One star doesn’t show how much I love you." Ohno whispered sincerely, resting their heads together softly.
Nino smiled through his tears and gazed deeply into the eyes he so dearly loved.
"Satoshi... I don’t think there’s enough stars to show that..." Nino whispered back, the playfulness in his eyes replaced with something much more passionate than ever before.
And as Ohno softly placed his hand behind Nino’s neck to bring him closer to his lips once again, Nino made his last birthday wish that this would never, ever come to an end.
I wrote this at 3 AM in the night/ morning.............. and originally posted for my flist about a week ago~
Happy birthday Nino~ 8D
ANYWAY! i hope you enjoyed the sweetest and fluffiest thing i could write at the moment~