(You and I) Two of a mind
Baekhyun/Kyungsoo. PG-13. 4.4k words.
When Baekhyun's laptop's storage space gives away, Baekhyun decides to store pictures of Kyungsoo in his heart, instead. (written for a request @ the EXO meme)
Baek's Soo is still a bad internet handle. You could've at least gone for a generic fanboy name. )
Comments 45
And as everyone has said, the world needs more baeksoo ♥}
Thank you for such a great story!
please do write more baeksoo (。・▽・。)
You may think I am exaggerating, but really, this is one of the best Baeksoo fics that I have read so far!!!:D Thank you for making my otp alive once again!!!:D (It kind of makes me sad that there aren't much baeksoo fics around...)
I really like the plot! It was soo funny and cute that Baek is such an avid fan of D.O. XD Chanyeol and Kai was hilarious! It was so funny that they were giving away Baek's identity XD I especially like Chanyeol's teasing but supportive friend personality in here. Lastly, I really like the way you write too!:D
Thank you so, so much for writing this precious fic! It definitely and absolutely made my day!^~^
It's really awesome and so are you!
Hope to read more baeksoo fics from you ;)
Thank you so much for doing such a great job at this fic and for writing it!!!!!:D
I hearteu hearteu you and this fic!!!!^~^
I think I said this too many times, but really, I think you did such a great job on this one. It's not even obvious that you were unsure of the characterization because to me you just got it right :D
Although I'm really hoping to read more baeksoo fics, it's definitely alright if you won't do another one :D After all, I don't to pressure anyone, particularly you, into doing and writing something that you didn't really feel like doing. So, don't worry! It's all good!:D
Thank you so much too!!!!^~^
and great job once again!:D
There should be more baeksoo *o*
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