Farfalle Legacy: gen2.1

Sep 28, 2011 18:38

A very short university (like 40 pictures short), since I played this during the time that I couldn't keep my mind on playing and only rarely remembered to take pictures. Featuring sims by the_caaah (including John Collins in the preview, who unfortunately disappeared, never to be seen again), aijux, voleste, lauriethemuppet, simmericangirl, keoni_chan and simpurity.

Mcallister, heir to the legacy and who, despite my best efforts, grew up well. Farfalle ISBI, failing at failing the hardcore way.

McAllister: Mineminemine and you can have.

Or, also known as, how hippomonster gets freaked out by dormies marching in and watching her sims sleep.

Piper (aijux) wastes no time to get with Gregorios (voleste).


McAllister: So... uhm... yes. You're blond. Whoo.

Trying to make friends and failing so awkwardly. At least Amaretto (the_caaah) doesn't hate him.

But the computer likes him best. BFF!

Amaretto has other things to worry about other than an ISBI-traumatized sim. Shea (lauriethemuppet) has taken to heart-farting all over her.

Amaretto: But... but... my heart-farter!

Shea & McAllister: Bros! Bros! Bros!

Awww, he made a friend.

A Farfalle must do what a Farfalle does. Dancedancedance.

We interrupt this dancing broadcast for a new arrival. KING HENRY! I missed you bb! Except not because I alternated playing uni and the household until all the kidlets were moved to the dorms. But yay! King Henry!

... We need to talk about the cheerleader. There's something wrong with her.

And the dorms borked, so I had to move McAllister and King Henry out, put them in a new (smaller) dorm and, well, yeah. So meet the new dorm.

King Henry: Go right! Go right! No, don't go l- ARGH!

McAllister to the gaming rescue! Too-doo-dee-doo-doo-doo!

This is a new dormie. In a utilikilt. That already makes him my MOST FAVOURITEST EVAR. He's also Bastion by simmericangirl.

McAllister, once again, fails at the friends thing. Bastion has no interest in his grilled cheese fascination. Oo! Right. I keep forgettinbg stats trhat you're allowed to know since he's the heir. McAllister is a pleasure/grilled cheese sim and wants to become a games designer one day.

Miela (keoni_chan) is so meeeaaaaan. Mean. Really. Picking on Awkward McAwkwardson there. He cried, you know. Bitter, bitter tears. And swore vengeance. And may have tried to find blueprints for a death ray.

But ultimately, his vengeance came in a dance-off, where he obliterated Miela with his superior skillz.

Bastion and Bekah (simpurity) make their own awkward-faced dance moves. King Henry just pretends he isn't here.

I have no idea why he was making that face. One can only assume he, once again, failed at basic social interaction. That's at least kind of like the face that I make when I fale at it, and I make that face a lot.

Horrible lighting and horrible people skills. The saga continues! How is he ever going to procreate like this?!

McAllister: Can I leave already?

King Henry likes to daydream. In other dormies' beds. He grew up so dashing and handsome and he has an easy aspiration: knowledge.

McAllister can't take it anymore. He calls home and...

Brings in reinforcements! Queenie has made it to college relatively unscathed.

And More. Oh More. Such a cute little geek you have become. He does need the make-up, though. Without it, he's a pasty white albino fish.

Queenie immediately claimed the easel.

Queenie: MINE! All mine!

Amaretto got kicked out to make room for the twins, but look where she ended up. Secret society all the way!

King Henry: Will this flower print make me look fat?

McAllister: Finally! More people I can get along with!
More: ... who are you?

At this point, More and McAllister had 0 relationship points. THIS NEEDED RECTIFICATION STAT.

Queenie: *paints the night away*

So many ~emotions~.

Queenie dance-spam. That's all. Because she's awesome.

King Henry: ... Dude. No one needs to see that. I don't need to see that.

McAllister, on the phone once again, but this time not to bring anyone else in.

But rather to get out! Don't worry bb, we'll fix that outfit.

Queenie: *storms out in her underwear* Byebye big brother!

And that's the end of the college years. Like I said, short because I failed and my life failed and it's really hard to focus on making fun pictures when you're having an identity crisis coupled with fun, legitimately diagnosed Issues.

AND I HAVE A REQUEST! See Queenie over there? She is a family sim. And I love her. And I want her to be happy. So I want to download a significant other (man/woman/other gender identity) and set her up with him/her/hir. Anyone have recs?We're going with Ezra Gravy by nyms-syms

farfalle legacy

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