Getting this out of the way because I am excited about this project and would love for you all to join me.
It's called Just The Mouth. And it goes a little something like this:
Click to view
In which Kaug and Eunice talk about gay rights.
!FOLLOW! - to hear us live and shit.
!WHEN! Friday and Sunday, Midnight EST (more or less)
!CREATE A TWITCH ACCOUNT! to join our chat and to chat with us and shit. it'll take 2 seconds. and if it takes more than that, TELL US ABOUT IT IN CHAT.
!SUBSCRIBE! for highlights and shit.
!THUMBS UP! because you like us and shit.
Where have you been? being a functional member of society via work and writing outside of fanfic. takes up a lot more time than one would think.
So emerged from said responsibilities just so you could plug this radio show? yes and no. But mostly yes. Don't hate me.
Wait so you mentioned writing...? that's because I am still doing that. just more original stuff this time. I'm working on trying to get my "writing" together. the less I talk about it, the better.
Will you be posting fic any time soon? yes. And SBB 2016 FOR SURE.
Where can we talk to you? here is fine? you can also follow me on
tumblr and
twitter and we can be friends and talk and shit. there's also the radio show. not to push that on your face way too many times but... yanno.
With this, I bid you guys a temporary adieu. I hope to see you all on Just The Mouth!